Chapter 34

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Turg still couldn't see anything but he was conscious again. When he was able to open his eyes he saw he was back in that confusing blue and purple room with sparkles that moved around on the walls and ceiling. He was laying on the several cushions that were in that room with a blanket on him. Turg couldn't remember how he got there, last thing he remembered was being confronted by Smithson in the prison after being captured. Whatever happened to him couldn't have been good. He couldn't move for some reason, even when he was trying to, though he was startled by someone suddenly touching him. Turg was able to move after that. He rolled over to see who it was, it was Jim sitting next to him. He was wearing his blue sweater with fuzzy grey sweatpants this time. Jim seemed to be relieved to see Turg awake as he said "You're awake."
Turg didn't say anything back to him, he didn't have the energy. 
"You've been asleep for almost a month. Wish I could do that." Jim told Turg, who didn't even remember ever falling asleep. Turg tried to ask him what happened, but the only thing that came out as incomprehensible gibberish, though Jim somehow understood.
"All you need to know is that you saved everyone again, kinda." Jim responded to Turg's attempt at speaking again. Turg couldn't remember doing anything like that, except when he sent First Name back to hell a few years ago.
"Anyways, I was told to give this to you when you woke up." Jim said as he put a glass vail with a bright red liquid in it and a straw next to Turg. Turg reached out to grab it and started drinking it while Jim added "I don't know what it is or what it does, guess we'll find out." 
Whatever it was, it made Turg sleepy again. He fell back asleep only to wake up a few hours later with Jim cuddled up next to him. This time Turg was able to move almost immediately and felt like he had energy, though he didn't want to wake Jim. Turg thought Jim was kinda adorable when he slept like that. He was no longer feeling numb, instead he started feeling sore when he tried to stretch. Turg accidentally woke Jim back up with his sudden movement. 
"You have awoken again." Jim pointed out as he immediately sat back up. Turg smiled and said "Jim did too."
"I wasn't sleeping, I was just resting next to you." Jim started defending himself. 
"Jim cute when he does." Turg said again. Jim looked away while smiling and responding with "No I don't." 
Turg sat up too, only to wrap his arms around Jim and pull him back down. Jim then said in defeat "Fine, maybe I am." 
"Turg missed Jim." Turg told him as he told him back "I- I missed you too."
"Turg don't know how he got here." Turg continued telling Jim. Jim asked "What's the last thing you remember before waking up here?"
"Turg was in room with that guy. There was Reaper. Then Turg woke here." Turg explained to Jim. 
"He did capture you, didn't he?" Jim asked Turg again. Turg answered "Turg just wanted to help. Turg was tricked. Didn't need Turg's help." 
Jim started hugging Turg back as he told him "It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have let you go on your own. I'm sorry."
Turg wasn't thinking it was his fault, nor was he thinking it was Jim's either. He responded with "It's okay."
"Do you remember anything else after that?" Jim asked Turg again. Turg thought about it but couldn't remember anything happening between then and now. 
"All I know is that you were captured and you fell in love with Smithson." Jim quickly explained to Turg after he didn't respond. Turg did say "Ew. Turg would never."
Jim laughed and said back "Same here, but you ditched him for me real quick." 
Jim then quietly added "After you tried to murder me and acted out against your father."
Turg heard that and immediately asked "Turg did what?"
"It's nothing to worry about, trust me." Jim replied. Seeing as Jim was still alive and not mad at him, Turg figured it was all good now. He couldn't recall ever trying to hurt Jim, something he'd never intentionally do. Though he still had one more question.
"How Turg get here?" Turg asked Jim. 
"According to your father, you had some sort of panic attack and almost died from it. The plan was to pacify everyone with our combined power but that worked too. We brought you here so you could recover but try not to do that again, if you can." Jim explained to Turg. Turg couldn't recall that happening, but he believed Jim. Jim then asked "Speaking of which, how are you feeling now?"
Turg thought about it before giving an answer. His legs and arms were sore, his head was hurting a bit and he was starting to feel hungry, which is what he decided to focus on. Turg eventually answered with "Turg hungry."
"I thought so." Jim said as he tried to get up, but Turg was still holding him down by cuddling him. He then said "Turg, if you wanna eat we have to get up."
Turg didn't want to. He wanted to stay there, he was too comfortable to get up. Jim sighed before asking "Would you rather stay here?"
Turg started hugging him tighter and replied "Don't go." 
"I'm not going anywhere without you, don't worry." Jim told Turg before then saying "Though we should really get up, you're laying on my arm and it's starting to lose circulation."
Turg let go of Jim and sat up with him. It was then he realized he was only in his underwear and panicked a little when he couldn't see his amulet. Jim then tossed him some clothes while saying "Oh yeah, here's your clothes. Hope you didn't mind me borrowing your coat, I lost mine in the ocean." 
As he put back on his black turtleneck he noticed that his amulet wasn't with the pile Jim gave him. He asked "Where amulet?"
Jim pulled it out of an inside pocket in his sweater and replied "I have it."
He set it down next to Turg and also gave him his red cape while saying "I also have this."
Turg put on the rest of his clothes and stood up to put his cape on, he liked wearing it. His amulet started glowing a bit after putting it on. 
"You don't have to worry about a maniac trying to steal that anymore, he's been taken care of." Jim told Turg as he held out his hand to him. 
"Now come, I have something I want to show you." Jim said again as Turg started holding Jim's hand. Jim led him back out into the open living room of sorts and Jasper was there too by a counter at the other side. Upon seeing them enter he exclaimed "The man lives!"
"He never died in the first place." Jim responded to that as Jasper told Jim "Yeah, but the both of you came close. Y'all need to quit doing that."
"Aw come on, that was only the uh... You know what? You're right." Jim responded again as they went over to him. 
"You scared me when that happened though, I thought he died with how you were crying over him with your Reaper partner next to you." Jasper said as Jim started covering his face and looking away as if he was embarrassed. Turg looked at Jim and tilted his head a little as Jim responded "You didn't need to tell him that detail."
"Oh that's right, you humans like to bottle up your emotions so you're not perceived as 'weak' or whatever." Jasper said again. Jim looked back at Jasper and wanted to say something, but he ended up remaining silent. Jasper then turned to Turg and said "As for you, drink this."
Jasper gave Turg a bottle of some kind and Turg took it. He tried it, whatever was inside it was kinda thick and tasted very sweet. 
"What is that?" Jim asked as Jasper replied "A smoothie." 
Turg didn't care what it was, he kept drinking it anyways while the other two chatted amongst themselves. Eventually Turg finished it and Jim asked him "So, shall we go see what I've been wanting to show you?"
Turg started holding Jim's hand again and nodded, he did want to see what Jim wanted to show him. Jim seemed to be excited to show Turg whatever it was, though wasn't showing it much. He led Turg with Jasper following behind down to some kind of basement into a room with a large gilded golden circular frame against a wall. There were jewels embedded in it and the phases of an eclipse carved around it with hand prints on either side.
"What this?" Turg asked as Jasper began explaining "Before you were born, your mother and I built this portal so we could have an easy connection with our place on Earth, but when we split up she destroyed her side of the portal." 
Before Jasper continued, Jim put his hand in one of the imprints and the portal started glowing as the inside started showing another basement. 
"While you were resting I figured I would have Jim help me rebuilt it, I never bothered to until I was talked into it by him." Jasper finished explaining as Jim walked through the portal.
"Thought it might be nice." Jim said as Turg followed him through. The basement on his side didn't appear to be as big but was colder, had cement flooring and walls, had tools all organized against one wall and only one light that was starting to dim. Turg was starting to think that Jim had moved into a new place during the time he was unconscious. He saw that on that side of the portal had the same hand imprints, but there were different carvings. Instead of eclipses it was flames, gravestones, skulls and scythes. Near the top were the names "Grim" and "Jim" carved in. While Turg was looking at them Jim told him "We've been waiting for you to come back so you could add your own personal touches to it." 
"This our new home?" Turg asked Jim as he continued to look around. 
"Yes, since our other one was destroyed." Jim answered as Jasper told Turg "And if you need me, you know where and how to find me."
Turg went over to his father to give him a hug. Jasper hugged him back while telling him "I would ask if you would prefer to stay in the magic realm but I think I already know the answer to that question."
As much as Turg did like the magic realm, he would rather be with Jim in the realm he was born in. It was less confusing to him than the magic realm. They then let go of each other and Turg went back over to Jim. Jasper waved and said "Farewell for now."
The portal then closed and stopped glowing. Jim started holding Turg's hand again and said "I should probably show you around this place, I think you'll love it here." 
Turg thought so too, it couldn't have been worse than living in shipping containers on a dock, not that he had many issues with that place. It didn't take much to impress Turg. 

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