End Notes

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"Yeah I'm gonna make a part 2 to this but don't worry it won't be as dark or as long." I said as I then proceeded to make this part a lot darker than part 1 and only shorter by about 6 chapters. Oops! 
Well, I think this one is darker than TNW. Originally in TNW my plan was for Turg to go through this corruption arc but it was caused by First Name possessing him, but I thought that was going too far so I scrapped that concept and reused it here. Though I toned it way down, you're welcome. 
Before anyone claims that I'm trying to push some kind of political (or whatever) view with this by having the villain be a cop I just want to say this: 
I've always had beings with authority and power as villains in my stories. It's not really that deep and not worth going into. It also makes sense for Jim at least, man's a criminal.

Anyways, I started writing this in mid October and published it November 5, 2021 and completed it on December 21, 2021. I managed to complete this in less time than The New World, which took 5 months at least. I think because I have more free time now and a lot more motivation to write I managed to get this done faster. I've never written anything this long in that amount of time, even my old works took 4-6 months minimum. Maybe I am pursuing the wrong path, maybe I should be writing for a living and not drawing haha. 

Some credits:
Again, this is based off of the series 'Sims 4 with Jim Pickens' by 'Call Me Kevin', more specifically the later episodes from 2020. Though this part strayed a bit further from the canon compared to TNW but that's okay, this is an AU. 
Jim Pickens, Turg, Emilee, Gideon/Fang, Grim and Default all belong to Call Me Kevin. 
Maxwell and Carmen are my own fan characters I created. I was going to have Carmen be in TNW but I couldn't find a way to introduce her so I left her out. 
Jasper was created by first_name_pickens on Instagram. 
Spencer Smithson was created by me and my partner urpdragon on Instagram, it was him who came up with the idea and motivations while I just named him. 
Zany was also an idea given to me by my other partner Jack who doesn't have creditable social media but he's most likely reading this. Shoutout to you man. (I am in a polyamorous relationship). 
And literally everyone else was created by me for this story only. 
Yes, some of us in this community have fan characters, and I included some of them in this series with permission. As far as I'm aware I created the first one, or the first fan-turg at least. 

Will I continue this series? Most likely, I have changed my mind about it being a 2-part series. I wanna do something based off of the 3 episodes spent in that haunted house. Might as well turn this into a trilogy but after that I won't continue it. I actually really liked writing them, these two are some my favourite characters from any media. 
I managed to keep my hyperfixation on CMK going for 4 years by doing this. Apparently non-cmk viewers read this series and understood everything that was going on, which I thought was pretty neat. They're going to be majorly disappointed when they find out that Jurg isn't canon and most likely never will be :( 
But in my AU it is :) 

Anyways, I am now going to save copies of this onto my computer so I can move them to Ao3. I'll update this when I do. 
Hope you enjoyed if you managed to make it this far, I promise part 3 won't be as dark. 

I am putting all 3 parts on Ao3 as a series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2721676 

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