Group project

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Monday morning. I was already late to history class so I didn't rush and smoked a cig before going.

« Missed the bus » I explained as I entered the room.
« Katya. I should not let you in but we have to make groups for a project. » Mr Witter sighed.

Fuck. I hate group projects. I'm not getting along with anyone here and usually everyone avoids being with me because they know I won't help. Most of the class was already paired up and I didn't make any effort to see who was left.

« Katya? Who are you with? »
« Myself. » I joked.
« Okay let's see. Kim could you please go with Naomi? Katya you'll be with Trixie. Maybe you'll finally work thanks to her. » Witter explained.

Not this. The fucking straight A's valedictorian popular bitchy blonde cheerleader that looked at me with disgust since the beginning of the year. I didn't hate her but we were such polar opposites and she was just not my type. Actually maybe I did hate her. As I made my way to her desk she sighed loudly in annoyance and crossed her legs. Trixie feels like she's above everyone and it makes me hurl. She's a little perfect princess who doesn't like anyone who's not « normal ».

« Ew you smell like cold tobacco. » She complained right away.
« And you're so stuck up I bet it creaks when you open your legs. » I snapped back.
« Don't talk about me like this. » Trixie angrily replied, frowning. What a baby. It was almost cute. Almost.
« Aw did I hurt your feelings? » I asked.
« I couldn't care less about what comes out of your mouth. »
I giggled at how easily mad she got.

« So I guess I'll just do the work and send you your part when I'm done. It'll be easier and faster that way. » Trixie said not bothering to look at me. I didn't have time to respond when Mr Witter intervened:
« No no Trixie I don't want to hear that. It won't help Katya in any way. I know your abilities but I'd like to see what you can bring out of Katya if you can get her to use her brain for once. »
« If only she had one... » Trixie mumbled, still making sure I could hear her comment.

I rolled my eyes and realized I would have to spend more time with this girl. The project was due next week and I knew it was going to be a reeeaaally long one.

« So where do you want to meet up? » I asked.
« I have free time after cheerleading practice. We can go to the library around 5pm. » She answered with the same uninterested tone.
« Okay perfect. »
« Yeah "perfect" » Trixie sighed, ironically emphasizing the last word.

« You're really fucking annoying. Are you too good to be at least polite and maybe look at me when you speak to me? » I told off, raising my voice.
« I would look at you but I don't want to puke. » She replied with a smug look, quickly locking eyes with me before standing up and passing by me to exit the class as the bell rang.



It was half past 4 and I had nothing to do. I decided to go to the stadium in case Trixie finished early. Her team was still rehearsing. All the most basic straighties were dancing around and doing some backflips and splits. I could easily do all of it and better with my gymnastics skills, but being a cheerleader is just not my vibe.

I tried to find Trixie in the group and obviously she was the head cheer. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and she was wearing the most tight and short uniform. My eyes were caught by the way her body moved, her big tits and ass bouncing as she jumped around. Suddenly I remembered who I was checking out and immediately felt disgusted. Her form may be alluring but her personality is so trash it doesn't outweighs it.

The football players came to chat with the cheerleaders once they were done, and Trixie had 6 guys around her all obnoxiously looking at her curves and letting their hands wander. Just thinking about being in her situation made me gag. I don't know how she can enjoy that.

Just then our eyes met and Trixie left the field, a jock smacking her ass as she turned around. She seemed shocked and uneasy at first, but quickly laughed it off and smiled. Why was she putting up with this?

"Are you okay?" I asked when she approached.
"Yeah why do you care" Trixie replied and looked down.
"These fuckers are just groping you without your consent and it doesn't sit right with me" I told her.
"You don't know them, they're my friends. Mind your business. I'm gonna change I'll be back in 20 minutes"
"If you say so. But really 20 more minutes?! Are you serious?"
"Hm it takes time to look this good. But you wouldn't know obviously" Trixie slyly said as she went to the changing rooms.

I huffed and lit a cigarette to kill time.

She came back 30 minutes later, but who cares about wasting my time. She was all dolled up again, just to go to the library which seemed odd but pretty girls only know how to be pretty. However that doesn't work with Trixie because she's also athletic and intelligent. She scrunched her nose, the smell of cigarettes still in the air, but didn't say anything this time.

"Ready?" I asked her, and she just started walking towards the library. She's just not nice it's incredible.

We sat down at a table and began working on our project. I was happy to learn it was about Mother Russia's political system. Trixie searched for information on the computer but only ended up on Russian websites.
"Ugh I can't find anything in english." She bitched.
"It says that it's a federal Republic"
"You speak Russian?" Trixie asked shockingly.
"Doesn't Zamolodchikova sound a little bit Russian to you?"
"Well at least you won't be useless for this." Trixie shrugged.

Our little game of picking at each other went on for another hour until we finished the plan of our presentation.

"Are we done?"
"I guess for today. As much as I hate to say it I think we'll have to see each other Wednesday afternoon." Trixie said.
"You wanna go out somewhere? Or should we just go to my house or yours?"
"Mine. At 3pm and don't be late." Trixie ordered.
"We'll see" I grinned, knowing very well that after waiting for her today I was not planning on showing up before 3:45.

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