Chapter 19

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"So, this is it." Daniel paced in front of the main staircase of the mausoleum, hands clasped tightly behind his back. "Big Hunter-vampire showdown tonight."

Rachel sat on the stairs and followed his movement, squinting against the sunlight. He was nervous, tense and on the verge of an adrenaline rush. But she still searched for a hidden feeling she hoped was there. She'd never lived a night more intense and beautiful than the one before. Sure, they were on the verge of battle, and she was nervous too, but most of all, she was happy. Wasn't he?

"Yes." Justin groaned. He was barely visible in the daylight. "That Angus guy is even nastier than Vlad. Not to mention he didn't pay me either. I don't envy you, though. Angus mentioned rounding up all the Hunters."

"It's about damn time, too. I bet Vlad rounded up all of Europe. Which leaves the Hunters terribly outnumbered. Not that I care. Stupid, pansy-ass Hunters." Daniel stopped pacing and turned to Justin. "You're free. I absolve you of your oath." He searched his pockets and pulled out a small crimson sack which he threw to the wraith. "Your pay."

Justin squinted at him, but as he rummaged inside the sack, his mouth fell open. "You're giving me this much gold? But this will buy my—"

"Yeah, I know." Daniel smiled weakly and began pacing again. "You deserve it. You have no idea how important this is to us."

"You're alright, Daniel." Justin stared at the contents of the sack for a few more seconds, then tucked it deep into his pocket and crouched in front of Rachel. "I'll miss you, beautiful."

Rachel tore her eyes from Daniel. "Really? That's sweet of you. You don't even know me."

Justin grinned. "I heard when you nagged him about being mean to me. And that's the closest I've ever come to having a friend."

Rachel smiled back. He was a decent guy after all.

"Who knows, I might even stick around and see how your plan works out." The wraith took her hand and rubbed it. It felt like cold spring water poured over her skin.

Daniel grabbed the scruff of Justin's neck and pulled him up. She felt a stab of jealousy coming from him, but it quickly disappeared.

"Do you mean it? Are you coming back?" His voice was kind, almost hopeful.

"I might. You two aren't so bad." Justin rubbed his neck and grinned. "You're the only people who've ever kept their word. Being a wraith kinda sucks."

"I'm asking because I could use your help."

Justin guffawed. "Why am I not surprised? What do you want?"

Daniel hesitated for a second. "How transparent can you get? Show me."

Justin pouted, but then scrunched his face in concentration. With every passing second, he became more transparent until he was barely visible in the light. "This is it. I can't go any further unless I think of a place to rematerialize."

"Great." Daniel threw a punch directly at Justin's head. But his fist never connected with flesh, it passed right through the wraith's face.

Rachel gasped. "Daniel!"

Justin pulled back, his brows drawn together. "Hey, what's your problem?"

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Daniel asked. "And you're not Justin Timberlake, either. You can take any shape you want."

"Not really. I can only take the shape of people I've actually seen . And I'm expecting an apology for that punch. It did hurt. Not as much as it would have if I was less transparent, but it still did."

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