Prologue: Captured

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I woke up to the sound of an explosion, I looked around thinking it was just in my dream but then I heard more. I realized that they were coming from the outside of my room, I was barely able to duck under my bed before the wall gave and sent rubble flying.

The others in my dorm sat up in bed a few being hit by the rubble, I peeked my head out seeing it was a Psions' spaceship... What are the Psions doing here?

"It's an attack!" I heard a boy say, how did a ship get through security?

"What are we supposed to do?"

"We don't have any weapons."

I looked trying to find something but just found nothing but rubble and personal belongings.

Just then the ship stopped firing and I heard the sound of rushing footsteps coming this way, sounds like there's about 10 guards coming this way.

The doors opened showing that twelve guards fully suited and carrying weapons, five of them had guns while the rest had spears or swords. The ones with melee weapons rushed to the ship to try and get in to attack, while the ones with guns stayed back shooting at the ship.

It turned around and opened the hatch, the guards immediately started shooting while the rest rushed in to attack the Psions. We heard the sounds of fighting and then it was quiet, we all looked at each other worried as to what happened to the soldiers.

Then something came flying out and landed on the ground not too far from me, it was a Tamaranean or at least the top half of one. Screams came from my roommates along with the guards that were in the ship and a disgusting sound of flesh being ripped apart, I placed my hand over mouth to try and stop the bile from coming up.

I ducked behind my bed to try and get away from the terrible noise, I heard the guard next to me take in a breath. Against my wishes I peeked my head over my bed to see what scared the guard, only to see a giant reptilian creature that looked like it was once a normal Psion is now a grotesque and hideous monster.

It let out a loud roar before attacking one of my roommates, cutting into her with it's long and sharp claws. Her screams filled the room, as did the sound of her flesh being ripped and torn. It moved on quickly grabbing two students this time and then slamming them together, their bones breaking could heard from miles away.

It threw their dead bodies at the guards that remained, the in-training warriors either ran or flew out of our room. I flew out of that room and away from that monster. We shouted for guards, warriors and our mentors to kill this hideous beast.

There was another explosion next to us, it was so close that we all went down. Falling hard on the ground I looked up and saw it was the monster, but it was behind us? I looked back and saw the creature charging towards us, and then I looked at the one standing in front us.

There's two of them.

I looked over at the hole in the wall and flew through leaving behind my brethren, just then I was shot by something hard. They sent me flying into the ground, I looked up and saw it was another Psion ship.

It opened up revealing real Psions and not that terrible creature that was once, one of them. "Princce Ryand'r, hello."

"I can't help but feel like you were trying to run away from ussss."

"That hurtssss our feelingssss."

They all chuckled at the Psions sarcasm, they found it funny. I found it terrifying.

"Now Princce Ryand'r, I would like to congratulate you on passsssing your warrior training not too long ago."

"Yessss, much like your ssssister Princccss Koriand'r."

"Sssspeaking of Princccss Koriand'r, we have her on our ship under going experimentssss along with your other ssssister Komand'r."

Again they all laughed, probably because they were thinking about the 'experiments' my sisters are going under. From stories of other Vega System inhabitants that went under these "experiments" they're explained more as torture.

"But don't worry becausssse you'll be joining them too." The Psion that spoke chuckled before placing cuffs on my wrist, while another placed some on my ankles.

I struggled against them trying to use my strength, or even my flight but nothing.

"Nice try young Tamaranean, those cuffssss we put on you block you UV Light absorption, getting rid of your sssstrength and flight."

"And your durability."

Then I was hit on my head and everything turned black.


Yes I unpublished the story for a quick minute, and yes I am republishing after that quick minute, What about it? I'm just kidding. I unpublished it because I kind of wanted to have a "restart" on the story, so here's the restart. I'm thinking the first actual chapters of the story are gonna be pretty much the same but the more "recent" stuff is gonna be different. How much? I don't know, but we'll see. Anyway thank you if you took a chance at this story and liked it and sorry that I haven't posted in a while, I was going through some kind of depressed state the pass couple months.

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