Two: Destruction & Hope

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I flew around trying to figure out where exactly I am in space, I don't think I'm close to the Vega system but the Psions couldn't have taken me too far away from it.

It took me a couple of days to get back, I passed by spaceships and other flying aliens asking where it is or where we are. Most of them would help but there were a few that apparently told me the wrong direction because I would ask someone if I'm going the right way and they'd say "No, it's actually the left" or "Sorry dude someone must've lied because it's back there."

It honestly infuriated me that someone would lie like that, it's just so rude. Finally I made to the Vega system, I flew pass the many planets that were before Tamaran.

I even flew pass Okaara, Tamaran's mother plant, I'll stop by after I see my family. I flew by some.... asteroids? That's weird there usually aren't any around Tamaran, I flew around looking for Tamaran but found nothing but these asteroids.

After a while I stopped looking and instead grew interested in the asteroids, and their coloring. Most of them had an orange-y color but some had what looked like grass on top of them. I continued observing the asteroids then saw something that made me sick to my stomach, It was the castle of Southern Tamaran but it was destroyed and in ruins. I flew around feeling panic set into me, I looked more and more and saw more pieces of Southern Tamaran's castle.

This can't be, this can't be Tamaran. Then I saw my castle.... The castle I lived in. Flying around in space.... In pieces that matched my heart. Where's my mother, my father, my sisters, they can't be dead.

I refuse.

I flew off and headed towards Okaara for answers, I landed with a grunt and made my way towards the castle. Upon getting there I was greeted by suspicious guards who did not trust me, they immediately held their spears out at me.

"I am prince Ryand'r of Northern Tamaran, I wish to speak with your king." I spoke with high class so that they new I was being serious, they looked me up and down and gasped once they got to my face.

"Prince Ryand'r, I am sorry I did not recognize you." I raised an eyebrow confused, what do they mean they don't recognize me?

The guards lead me to their king, we arrived in a throne room and in there was of course the king. I asked many questions, like how long has it been, what happened to Tamaran, the people of Tamaran, and my family.

And they told me everything, about how I've been gone for nearly two years, that the Citadel got to Tamaran thanks to my sister Komand'r and that she's now apparently leading the rest of the Tamaraneans because my sister Koriand'r is off at Earth being a hero, and also that my parents died with Tamaran.... Choosing to stay with their planet and each other....

I couldn't help but feel hurt that they'd rather stay with their planet and die then with their kids.... With me...

I thought about how I would cry out to my parents during the experiments hoping they'd hear and rescue me, but apparently they were too busy caring and loving their planet more then they love their kids.

Anger filled me and I felt the same hot and prickly feeling in my hands, looking down I see the purple flames there, covering my hands. I release a shaky breathe trying to calm myself down, the king says something about how I would make a great guard. What means is that I'd make a great weapon.

I shook my head and asked for some supplies, they gave two small bags. One with food and drinks, and the other had a tent, change of clothes and my crown, which I had left here just before I got captured. With the small bags now on my back I fly off and head towards what remains of Tamaran, seeing if there is anything that is salvageable. I flew around looking for some plants that are still alive, ones that were I put into my tent bag hoping that I can plant them on a planet I'll be able to call home.

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