Three: You Care

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"Go, go, go." Dyzzole said as I shoved the last of our things in one of my bags in a rush, I looked over at the huge, ugly creature that's heading our way. I took off into space barely missing the creature's teeth when it tried to bite at me. "That was a close one Ander."

I rolled my eyes at Dyzzole's snickering, of all nicknames why did he pick "Ander?"

We flew in silence for a while but it was broken by the scared dragett on my shoulders "Look out!"

I looked over and saw it was a Psion ship and it just launched a plasma blast at us. I swerved to the left barely dodging it, "Get in a bag Dyzzole!"

"You don't gotta tell me twice." I waited for him to climb inside the bag before I went in for a attack. I flew at the ship preparing a fire ball when I got close enough I shot it hoping to break the glass. All it did was crack, but hey that's a start.

I flew up preparing two fireballs and waited for them to shoot at me, when they did I moved out of the way and shot the fire balls back at their windows. Again it just cracked the windows but I'm not giving up.

I heard the back of the ship open up and out came two mutated psions and several psions with plasma guns, great.

I quickly dodged the blast coming from their plasma guns before I started attacking the mutated Psions, I thought it'd be best to deal with the big guys and then the little ones. I engulfed my fist with my purple flames and then started punching one of the giants, I took it out quickly when I shoved my hand in it's chest and ripped out it's heart.

I flung it at the other giant Psion distracting it before I went in for the kill, I created a bigger fire ball and shot it at it's head. The starbolt took it off with ease leaving a giant reptile body with no head, I grabbed it's body and flung it at the Psions and did the same with the other mutated Psion. I rushed them before they could refocus their guns on me, I took three of them out before I felt a blistering pain on my leg.

I looked down at the burn on the back of my knee, great that's gonna be difficult to fight with. I turned to the now cowering Psions that shot me and did the same thing I did to the second mutated Psions, leaving him without a head. I turned to four remaining Psions, they seemed scared....


I felt a grin take over my features and with that I blasted them all with my starbolts leaving one with half of his head, two with a hole in their chest and the last one having a hole in it's stomach.

I turned to the last of the Psions that were in the spaceship and released a starbolt at it's fuel tank, I took off before it could make contact but the blast was so big I got hit by it.

It flung me far into space and I landed on a planet, I had to decide quickly on how to land. I couldn't land on my back that'd kill Dyzzole and crush all my supplies, and I didn't want to land of my front. I may be able to heal fast but I definitely didn't want to hurt my face or risk hurting my.... Downstairs area. So I had to decided which side to land on, I grabbed my bags and tried pulling as much as I could to my front and turned on my left.

I felt the ground break and tear apart as I sled through the crust of this random planet, but I also felt the tear of my skin as it slid across the hard ground. Luckily I stopped pretty quickly when I finally stopped, I didn't bother getting up for I was too tired.

I fell asleep hearing Dyzzole's voice in the distance asking what's wrong and if I'm okay.


I opened my eyes seeing that it was now night time, I sat up letting out a groan and looked around. I saw movement in the corner of my eye, so I turned and quickly created a purple fireball and aimed it at the creature.

"Oh my X'hal, kid what the hell is wrong with you?!" I let out a sigh of relief when I realized it was just Dyzzole. "Oh thank X'hal, I was scared you died Dyzzole."

"Yeah, will that makes two of us." He stood on his hind legs while crossing the front ones, it confused me at first but then I realized he was doing that because he was upset. "Aww, Dyzzole were you worried about me?" I said teasingly.

"No, I wasn't, I was just wondering whether or not I had a bigger supply of food or if I had to continue sharing with you." I rolled my eyes before letting out a laugh, I quickly grabbed Dyzzole bringing him into a hug.

"Stop, I don't wanna be burned by your freaky experimented fire ball!!" I laughed before letting Dyzzole go at his complaint.

"Sure, tough guy." I said before standing up, I looked around the forest. Finding nothing I decided to just set up camp, I pitched up the small tent while Dyzzole left to get sticks for the fire.

He returned with a big pile when I just finished setting the tent up, we quickly made a pile with the sticks and I made a small flame on my index finger and placed it on the sticks which immediately ignited.

"And now we can cook some food." I said with a smile letting a small laugh slip my out of my mouth, I toke out the camp fire grate and placed it above the fire then put some random food on there. "We're gonna need to find a planet that has people on it soon, so that we can get more food." Dyzzole said holding his hands out to the fire to warm up, a sigh left my mouth.

"With what money?" I asked not out of anger but rather sadness. "Just flash your prince title and I'm sure they'll help out." Dyzzole said which just raised annoyance.

"I'm a prince of a destroyed planet Dyzzole, that's not going to do anything. Besides unless you forgot people outside of the Vega system don't exactly like Tamaraneans." I said before releasing a exhausted sigh, honestly I might've even forgotten that fact too.

I still don't quite understand why other solar systems look down at and judge Tamaran and our people. From what I've heard it has something to do with X'hal "only becoming stronger because she was experimented on" and they looked down at her and those that praised her.

And with Tamaraneans being the biggest X'hal worshippers.... they hate us the most.

There's number of other things but it just seems to be chalked up to outsiders thinking we're weak and look down at us.

"Alright well we need to find some way to make money and get food." Dyzzole said curling up in ball while he waited for the food to finish cooking. I sighed again and flipped the food before answering.

"Well I'm a trained warrior, and I was also trained to hunt so for right now we could hunt and forage for food until we get to a planet where and become some sort of guard? Or protector or maybe.... maybe I could be someone's muscles." I said trying to come up with ideas, I think the hunting thing will be the best for now but afterwards I don't know.

Dyzzole seemed taken back by the final option. "Someone's muscles? You mean like a criminal!" Dyzzole practically hissed out finding the idea horrible, I looked to the side not wanting to further explain but....

"Yes, Dyzzole, I mean.... a crime boss or some gangsters muscles.. we're not exactly in a position to be judging job offers." I said before grabbing a serving spoon and put the canned meal into two separate bowls, mine being slightly bigger.

"You're a prince, you don't do crime." Dyzzole said before starting to eat his food.

"Hate to break it to you Dyzzole but there are tons of royal families that commit crimes." I said grabbing my spoon and eating the soup, we sat in a comfortable silence for a bit before Dyzzole spoke up.

"I.... I actually was... kind of, sort of, possibly worried about you." Dyzzole said looking slightly embarrassed, if he were Tamaranean he'd be blushing.

"Aww, Dyzzole you care about me!!" I said a big smile forming on my face, I bent over to grab him into a hug but he scratched at my hand.

"I take it back." Dyzzole said scooting back a bit, I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Well, I care about you too Dyzzole."


Yay!! I actually posted! Sorry for the lack of updating, I just had so many ideas that I had to take some time and figure what I actually want to do and how I should do it and how I should lead into what happens and yadda yadda but now I feel more secured in my story and storyline.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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