The Dark Knight (Aomine Daiki x Reader)

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"WHY!? did I have to be stuck on cleaning duties today of all days" you where shouting into the the void that sane people called school. You hated this place, not because you where bad at studying it was because this place was filled with death traps. Or more precisely one death trap that was really a human death trap called Momoi. She had been bugging you since the beginning of the school year to join the basketball club as a manger. First of all you had no idea why she wanted you and second you had no interest to help some sweaty boys with their towel and to cook for them, YUCK. NO way in hell you would stoop down to that level. You where an independent woman and there is no way that you would serve some stuck up high school boys that where a tiny bit talented at some sport that no one knew that was popular with in Japanese schools.

"(Y/N)-chan do you need help!?" a high girlish voice called out to you. You would recognize this voice anywhere, it was death it self.

SHIT! you run as fast as you can away from the voice that has not left you alone for way to long. When will she give up on having you on that stupid team of hers. You easily out run her since you are really fit after all your years of running in the track club and of course being a former gymnastic star dose not hurt. Having lost her you allow yourself to relax.

"Why doesn't she give up already" a dark and husky voice says in a tone that says he doesn't really care but finds it annoying that his childhood friend is running after some girl that clearly dose not want anything to do with her.

He looks down at you, for a second your eyes meet but then they where on your breasts. Then there where hands on your breasts. "Big and round just the way I like them" the blue haired pervert says while he has his hands on your breasts.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU PERVERT! you shout while pushing his hands away. He looks down at you and says with a calm voice "I was just checking if those where real you know many girls where bras that make it look like they have bigger breasts. I just wanted to see if you where one of those girls. Hmm so you are the girl that Momoi wants to join as a manger, well I think I would come to practice if you where there running around." when he says the last word he smirks it's an evil looking smile and it sends shivers down your spine.

"You are a f***ing pervert you know that don't you Aomine-kun" you said with an annoyed tone. You knew who this guy was from his playboy reputation and he was in the class right next to your's. I think he was dating that blond girl from class -1E last week... you let your thoughts drift away thinking about all the gossip about this scary looking guy in-front of you.

"Hey earth to (Y/N)-chan wake up from your weird fantasies about me" Aomine says with a serious tone "I was not having any weird fantasies about you... wait how do you know my name?!" you replied in a surprised tone.

"Well Momoi is always talking about you like (Y/N)-chan this and (Y/N)-chan that, so it is impossible for me to forget your name" he says with a hint of pink on his cheeks.
I don't remember him being so cute you think to your self when you see his pink cheeks. He is known for not caring about anything and of course for being a killer basketball player. While you are standing there deep in your thoughts Aomine stares at you wondering why Momoi wants a girl like you that spaces out like this as a manager.

He is disturbed from his thoughts by Momoi shouting at him "Aomine don't let that girl get away grab her!!!"

You panic as you hear her words readying yourself to run away. But before you where able Aomine grabs you and swings you over his shoulder like a bag of sand.
"HEY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING" you shout as you kick him and punch him in the back.
"well I'm just following orders" Says Aomine Daiki with a way to calm voice. You continue to kick him while punching him on his back. He shows no pain or any reaction what so ever rather he seems to be enjoying your little fit.

When you arrive to the basketball club Momoi begins to tell you why you should join them and that they need you and blah blah blah blah. You lost track of her words a long time ago but instead you where watching that blue headed boy and he seems to be watching you as well. You began loosing yourself in those blue eyes of his. Not really thinking about anything else but those blue eyes anymore you say to Momoi "yeah sure" when she asks you those life changing words; so what do you say (Y/N)-chan are you interested.

KnB one shots :3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora