The Beginning

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Just a normal day... I tend to tell myself as the day was far from being 'Normal' I have to deal with Valentino and legit get harrassed by many other people.. This day was FAR by normal, and it will never be normal...

Enough of that, I slept for half of the day, despite not having much sleep yesterday.. I did wake up at 6:32 AM. A loud noise was heard in my room, and it did startle me a lot, not that I was scared anything, heheh...

So, it was sadly Alastor at the doorway yelling for me to get up and start the day '𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚜' I simply tell myself, quietly of course. I heard scary things about that guy.

"WAKE UP ANGEL, TIME TO GET UP AND WAKE UP!" He says with that stupid smile on his face, I really hate that smile; I really don't know why he decided to help Charlie.

"Give me another hour Smiles.. I need sleep," I say to him as I was about to turn towards him, but he wasn't even at the door. This pimp was on 𝙏𝙊𝙋 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙀.

The only thing I could think of was to push him away, and what do you think I did? I kicked him away from me. I thought it was the better option to do so. However, him being the 'overlord' he didn't screech or anything, he was still smiling as he always does.

The Radio Demon began to stand back up. "That didn't hurt at all! Only a couple of scratches and marks!" It wasn't a surprise that he still had that happy smile on.. "Ugh," I say as I got up and started streatching with both my arms up.

"Smile, my fellow.. and get ready for the DAY!!" He says very loudly, Jesus.. He really does make my fuckin ears hurt...

After that exchange I was ready for the day.. not that I wanted the day to start anyway, I ultimately went downstairs and there I saw him, husk..that demon cat, you guys know that I do love animals, and they're may be a couple of animals in hell mainly Pentious..

But he is.. he is unlike many other weird demons I have seen.. Husk feels special to me like a bolt of electricity just zapped my brain, if that make sense anyway..

That's besides the point, I just want to tell him how I really feel, but it doesn't feel right of me... I'm not that type of person to tell people my real feelings.. I hate doing that, I will never tell anyone my real feelings even if I truly like them.

What I do instead is flirt and kind of harass him, that damn cat makes me so confused on my emotions.. The worst part is my life with Val but I'm not going there..

All of a sudden, I realized I been standing on top of the stairs for about two minutes. What is wrong with me? "You ok Angel?" Charlie said as she looks at me with a stern yet weird look on her face.

"Of course I am," in reality I wasn't. I am still stuck on whether I really do love Husk or not. You know what I'm not confused on, flirting with him!

I go to where the bar was located and look at Husk, he looked back at me and groaned while rolling his eyes. Damn he is so cute.. "What the hell do you want 'Angel Cakes' some booze?" He said with small yet evil laugh..

Angel cakes.. How the hell does he know about Angel Cakes. I would never tell Husk my stupid nicknames.. I then went back to my task that I wanted to do in the first place.

"Hah, Angel Cakes huh? Well husker, I would like something other than boozzzeee," I said winking at him and chuckling quietly. He gave me a death stare, and if I'm being honest it's very cute on how he gets angry, but I did see a slight grin in his death stare. That's not relevant though...

"I'mma take that as a yes, you fucking spider.." He said while turning around and grabbing some cheap booze. Two of them, one obviously for me.. "Awww, you knew what I wanted!" I winked at him again this time I blower a small kiss as well..

"Shut up Angel, just drink your fuckin drink," Husk let out a small cat growl, proving his cat-like tendencies. "Fine, fine.. But if you want to have a little fun with me.. I'll do it for free just for you~" I don't know why I even said that, but I remembered my instinct and chuckled.

"I..I...Drink your drink ANGEL FUCKIN DUST!!" husk said, as he looks like he was about to scratch me in the eye with those tiny sharp claws of his.. I would be glad if he did. Getting scratched by a person that I love, and it will be like a mark.

I finally took a swig of the cheap booze, man it finally felt nice having something down my throat, and not like that you sick perverts.. I meant a drink, but I do want something warm in my throat... Man I would love Husk's co-

"Yo, you whore.. Valentino needs you! Can't you listen?" Husk then said as I was daydreaming about what I wanted to do.. "You don't ever call me a whore 'Whiskers'," I say as I then get up. "where is that bitch?" I whisper to myself.

"Right Over here Angel Cakes.." He said with a soft tone, damn he heard. I heard a slight giggle from Husk. "Hah, Angel Cakes.." Husk said mocking Valentino's words. "Shut up you whore" I simply say to Husk just to let him know to just the hell up.

Valentino then grabbed onto my whole body, I was looking at his eyes.. "So Angel Cakes ready to do your real job?" He says with a good stern voice. I sadly nod, even though I'm just doing it for cash I don't want to this job. Val then grabs my hand and we both go to the limo drive by travis.. Here we go again..

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