The V Tower

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"Val I'm sorry!"

"You are such a fucking whore! A harlot!"

"Val ple-"

"Your mine Angel..."

Angel Dust

"F-FUCK!" I wake up from my nap, and see I'm not at the hotel, "R-right, I-I'm at the studio..." I grab my robe and stand up, putting it on.

"Angel! Hurry the fuck up in there!" Val said, "S-sorry Val! J-just give me a second!"

"Seconds over!" I just rolled my eyes and started putting my makeup on, before getting a call. Husk,  "What the fuck do you want?"

"Angel, where are you?"


"Angel! For god sake! Why did you go back to him!"

"I didn't have a choice! After that damn stunt you pulled! I had to go with him!!"

"I was just trying to save you..."

"Fuck you!" I then hang up and throw my phone on the bed. "Fuckin hell..."



Charlie Morningstar

"I think we should just let him be..." Vaggie told Husk, he told us what happened last night and the drama that unfolded.

"Well Husk, if you're worried why don't you try to talk to them?"

"Aren't you stronger than them Princess? Can't you help?" Husk looked at me with his arms crossed while I just stared thinking of a sentence.

"Yes she is, but you need to do it! You're the one that caused it!" Vaggie looked at Husk with her arms crossed aswell

Ok well my girlfriend and the bartender are arguing, nothing new or different!

"Guys, ok... Husk, I'll come with you! How does that sound?" I inhaled in and out, hoping I don't start crying once we arrive like last time.

"Are you sure Charlie? Remember what happened last time?" Vaggie said I just nodded, "I know but I'll be fine!"

"Fine... be careful you two." I hugged Vaggie and saw Husk seemingly smile, weird seeing him smile but I'm quite happy.

"See you later! I promise!!" I grabbed Husk and started walking to the porn studio with him following behind.

"I-I don't know about this Charlie, you might get hurt..."

"I won't, like last time I know Angel would try to stop me from getting hurt, also, I'll hurt Valentino's ass before he gets to me." I smiled, "although I hope I don't need to, you know I hate using my powers..."

"Right Princess...".

Third Person

Husk and Charlie began walking towards the studio, Husk's felt anxious every step of the way, hoping Angel was fine.

"Charlie I realized... this may not be a good idea, Angel is so dedicated to his work that he may get mad at us for showing up!"

"I know BUT the thing is I want him at the hotel more often! Maybe the overlord of porn can finally understand how strong I truly am by-"

"Threatening him?"

"No! By talking to Valentino! Since the last time I did this he did not enjoy me messing up his shot." Charlie sighed as they kept on walking, getting closer every second.

"Charlie, we are supposed to bring Angel back."

"That's your job, while I distract his boss you take Angel away!"

"So we are...kidnapping him?..." Husk side-eyed Charlie with pure annoyance on his face.

"Exa-" Charlie then realized, "well it's better than having him gone for most of the day! Don't you think so?" Charlie said

"Meh... yeah, yeah I guess that's fair." Husk said before getting stopped by their tracks. They then see the Valentino's studio or the "Vee's" headquarters and that made Charlie smile.

"You think we will run into the other two?" Charlie asked politely while opening the door.

"I mean probably, the three are always together, more Vox and Val though..." Husk stated

"Right, well since the moth man decided to come to our hotel, why don't we give him a taste of his own medicine." Charlie said.

"I like how you think, I'm in!" Husk said as he started to walk inside with Charlie.

"What the hell?" A voice spoke behind of them

"Ahhh Vox! Hello!" Charlie spoke with happiness while Vox looked at her with disgust before realizing who she is.

"Princess of hell, please to meet you! What May I help you with?"

"Have you seen Angel? Is he busy right now?" Charlie crossed her hands together while Husk sighed. "Where's Angel Vox?" Husk then said.

"Shooting a porno right at the moment, would you like to help kitty?" Vox giggled and Husk gave an angry stare.

"Princess I swear to god I-" Husk gets cut off, "Could you, I don't know, maybe ask your friend Val if we could talk to him?" Charlie said covering Husk's mouth.

Vox sighed and gave an annoyed stare but kept his composure, "Sure, I'll call him right now..."

As Vox dials Valentino's number, Charlie and Husk waited patiently.

"Princess, Valentino is scary, Atleast that is what Angel had been saying."

"He knows he can't hurt me, otherwise my dad will! Remember I am a powerful then all of hell combined..."

"Right..." Husk sighed and looked around at the decorations, tons of Velvette, but a lot of Porn ads and Angel Dust.

"Alright Charlie and... Cat... just come with me! He's in the office!!" Vox started to walk away with Charlie and Husk following behind.

"Alright... Angel is with him too so have fun!" Vox then pushed both of them into the room and closed the door. They both saw him sitting on the chair with Angel on his lap.

"Hello again princess..."

Angel's Weird Crush (Huskerdust)Where stories live. Discover now