Chapter 1

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The dragon falls, blood leaking from his sliced neck causing a puddle to form in the grass. His green eyes close, almost peacefully as his breathing slows to a stop. I put my blood soaked sword in its scabbard, kind of feeling bad for the red furred creature. But it's over, and now I must find my princess.

I climb the long vine up to her window, which is much harder than it looks, as I make it to the open windowsill. "Hello princess! I have slayed that dragon and have come to your rescue!" I holler with a toothy smile. Standing in the small dusty room, I put my hands on my hips, awaiting my thank you kiss.

"Yeah? What do you want, a prize?" A voice calls, dropping from the ceiling.

I look up, stunned at his fancy act. Wait. . . He? I stare into his green eyes. "Y- You're a prince!" I say, completely stunned.

"So are you," He says with his eyebrows raised, crossing his arms over his chest. Clearly, he's intrigued to see where this goes.

"Where's the princess?" My mouth lies agape, my eyes going back and forth between him and an empty space where I pray a young princess will appear. Nothing ever does.

"Just me, are you going to go now or what?" He swats dust off his dirty shirt, and I take this moment to observe. First thing I notice is his bare feet, his ripped clothes, his freckled face and bright red hair that shines in the sun. But, I also notice the smell. The smell of a boy who hasn't showered in a long, long time.

I look up, noticing his similar stare. His furrowed brows. "So, uh, you don't have a hot sister or anything?" I say, still looking around frantically.

"Nope. Just me."

"I don't get a thank you for killing that dragon?"

"Nope. You don't." He picks up a backpack, climbing onto the window and jumping down to the ground. Last minute, he grabs the vine and slows himself down before he kills himself.

"Hey! Wait up!" I say, jumping down myself. But, instead of his highly risky behavior I choose to slide down the vine safely. When I regain my composure, I chase after him.

"You better not be following me prince boy." His curls bob up and down as he walks. So fast I have to jog to keep up.

"I have a name, you know."


"My name is Romeo! Romeo Romero, I'm from Shakespeare, you know the kingdom right?"

"I don't care."

"Come on! Let me take you to my kingdom! It's very nice there, just tell me your name."

"I don't want to go to your kingdom."

"Then where will you go?"

"The woods. Camp out and come up with a plan."

"Sleep with the vampires and werewolves? No way, come with me!" I grab his hand before he can run, guiding him to my home. I ignore his anger, tightening my grip so he has to follow.

He may not be my true love like I had hoped, but I'm not going to let him sleep in the forest of all places!

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