Untitled Part 6

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 Despite it still being day, the large trees and overgrown plants make it look more like night. The forest is creepy, even for someone like me. There could be anything in here. Vampires, werewolves, gnomes.

But I need to find him. I've seen how capable he is, but it doesn't stop the worry from consuming me. I jump over fallen trees, dodge birds and fairy's, and climb over large hills. I can hear the growls from wolves, the twinkling of pixies, the monstrous whinnies from wild unicorns.

It isn't enough to stop me though.

Eventually, after an hour or two of searching, I find him. A large black wolf standing over him. A deep growl from the big dog escapes him, his ears back as he stands in front of him warily. Julian's sword is too far of a reach, he sits in front of a tree, inching back as far as he can until his back is against the bark. "Get on!" He screams, trying to sound confident but I can see the fear in his eyes. Frankly, I'm kind of scared too.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yell, swinging my sword at him. "Don't make me kill you! Just leave us be!"

He barks, now facing me. I can make out his light blue eyes, filled with anger. Wolves can speak to and understand humans, many choose not to communicate though.

"Come on! Go! Get back to your herd!" I yell, swinging my sword at him. I purposely miss. I will kill if I need to, but I won't do it unless proven it's necessary. A princess will always go for a kind heart.

Seeing my serious attitude, he decides to flee.

"You alright?" I offer him yet another hand, and he takes it.

"You've saved me, again," He awkwardly laughs, looking away. "Thanks, I guess." He grabs his sword and begins walking away.

"Hey! Wait up!"

"I should go."

"Wait! Why?"

"I'm supposed to be dead, aren't I?"

"I mean, everyone was told you were. I'm just confused though. Can you explain it to me?"

"I should go."

I grab his arm, stopping him from running away again. "Go home with me."

He looks me up and down, his brows furrowed up. "Bu-"

"Please," I plead to him.

"O- Ok."

That surprises me.

I keep my hand wrapped around his the whole way home, not wanting him to run away again.

"Where were you boys?" Mother asks when I come inside, our clothes covered in dirt and leaves.

"Playing outside," I say.

"You need to stop Romeo, you're going to get hurt."

"We're just having fun!" I say with a smile.

She doesn't look too impressed.

"I want to sleep," He tells me.

I lead him to my room, and we lie in my bed. Without taking a shower.

"Can you please tell me what happened with your, well, you know."


"Yeah. . . You- You don't have to tell me unless you want to."

"I- I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to tell anyone!"

"I promise!"

"Pinkie swear?" He says with a serious face, holding out his pinkie.

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