Chapter 4

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I sit up, gasping for air. My left hand grips my shirt, my right hand gripping what I assume is my sheets. I look around the room. My bookshelves, my wall, my window. Oh thank goodness! It was just a dream!

A hand wraps around my wrists, causing me to jump. When I look over, Julian is holding onto my wrist. Meanwhile my own hand is clutching his shirt right on his chest. Fuuuuuuucckkk! I quickly pull myself off his body, standing up and running to the bathroom.

Inside, Piper does her makeup. "Hey?" Her eyebrows furrow.

"Oh my God!" I scream, hugging her close.

"What's up with you?"

I tell her the dream, still hugging her as I shove her back and forth.

"Wow, must be true love," She snickers.

"Shut up."

She laughs. "Well, you're always talking about meeting your true love."

"Who should be a princess!"

"Who says it has to be?"

Hm? How am I supposed to answer that? It just. . . I don't know. That's a good question.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Um. . . Can I come in?" Julian.

"Yes, of course!" Piper smiles.

I give a playful shove, sending a glare and smirk her way.

He opens the door, a visible blush on his face. Did he feel the hand on his chest?

"Wow, we need to clean you up!" Piper says, looking him up and down.

I do as well, noticing his torn and filthy clothes. The dirt that stains his face. I'm surprised Mother let him inside. "Yes, I'll get a change of clothes. You can hop in the shower! I'll be back," I rush outside, Piper following me.

"Ha! You like him!" Piper whispers, following me to my room!

"Do not!" I do not like him, I'm simply helping him out for a bit. I need a princess, not a prince! Amelia comes downstairs from her bedroom, following me into my room as I search for clothes that might fit him. It's hard though since he's much shorter than me.

"So where is he?" Amelia smiles.

"Taking a shower, and you aren't going to interrupt him," Piper glares.

I finally find something to match his curly red hair. Some old clothes that might just fit him. A pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt to go with it.

"I'm off to give him these," I say, getting up to see him.

"I'll come with you!"

"No, I don't need the help!" I smile.

"Just let me come! I won't bother you too! He likes me, anyways."

"Amelia," Piper sternly says. "He doesn't need your help. Let's go see what Mom's up to."

She sneers, rolling her eyes. "Fine, let's go."

It's clear she likes him, but it's also clear Piper wants me to like him. But I don't. I will find my princess, just like in my books.

I walk to the bathroom, hearing the water in the bathroom turn off. I knock on the door, not wanting to burst in like I did with Piper.

"Hang on!" He calls out. I can hear cabinets opening and closing, footsteps hitting the tile floor speedily.

"Under the sink," I call out, knowing he can't find the towels.

"Thanks," He says. Another cabinet opens and closes, it doesn't take much longer for the door to open.

"I found some of my old clothes. I hope these suit your taste. We can go shopping for more clothes as well if you'd like."

"Ok, thank you." He shuts the door before I can speak again. It doesn't take long for him to change, a much shorter time than me, and soon enough he's opening the door and awkwardly shifting his weight from foot to foot. His eyebrows raise, as if he's waiting for something. I notice how green his eyes are, how freckled his face is, how-

"Are you going to move?" He says.

"Oh! Um, yeah." I step out of the way, feeling my face heat up awkwardly.

Luckily, the clothes fit him well. His red hair looks less unruly too, but only slightly. "I'm going to get ready now," I say with a smile. "You can go on down and eat breakfast."

I quickly get ready, putting on a red tank top and white pants. I put on a light amount of makeup to make me even prettier than usual.

"Romeo!" Papa calls, causing me to rush down the stairs and almost trip.

"Coming!" I call out, sitting down next to Julian.

"Good morning everyone. Shall we dig in?"

"Where's Queen Cinder?" Julian asks. That's my mother, my father is named King Richard. But I always just refer to them as Mother and Papa.

"She takes a long time to get ready, I usually do as well but I wanted to see you," Amelia says, her lips close to his cheek as she strokes his thigh.

A twinge of jealousy hits me. But why? Why am I getting so worked up. It was just a stupid dream. She keeps flirting, until I snap. "Can you just stop?" I hiss at her. My jaw drops when I realize what I've said.

Papa gives me a knowing smirk, causing me to furrow my brows at him.

"S- Sorry, I've forgotten my manners," I dig into my pancakes, attempting to forget the embarrassing moment.

"Someone's jealous," Piper laughs. "Ow!" She yells when I step on her shoe.

Eventually, Papa starts a conversation. "So what's the plan for today?"

"Practice sword fighting," I tell him, a mouthful of bacon in my mouth. "Gotta be able to slay dragons and witches!"

"Julian, would you like to join my son? Maybe he can teach you a thing or two."

"I already know 'a thing or two' but I suppose I can teach him something," He says with a smirk.


They all laugh, except for me.

"I can come t-"

"No! Amelia, we do not need you. This is a man's job," Although, I don't know why I felt the need to say that. Me and Piper practice sword fighting together all the time. What's wrong with Amelia wanting to come?

Could it be that Julian is my true lo- No. No, no no. I tuck that thought away. I will find my princess, it won't be too much longer. 

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