Chapter 3

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Lunch is served up in the main dining room of Bettington House during the break between the morning and afternoon shoots. The gorgeous paintings and tapestries lining the walls reveal the history of the house and the stories of the families that have lived here over the centuries. Sunlight streams in through the large windows that line one whole wall and overlook the beautifully manicured gardens. The house is a stunning piece of architecture, lovingly cared for by the current custodians, the Blakehursts, a retired couple in their sixties who have turned part of the house into a Bed and Breakfast and function venue to make it pay its way.

The contestants, crew, hosts, and judges are all sat around three large round tables, everyone mixing in together and enjoying each other's company over an impressive spread of sandwiches, salads, and pastries.

Louis is tucked between Mel and Sue who have spent more time laughing than eating as Louis entertains them with his cheeky brand of humour. Harry can't hear much of what he's saying, but he's caught Louis glancing over at him with a frequency that has maintained the blush on Harry's face for most of the meal. He's just so enchanting and it makes Harry's heart skip a beat whenever their eyes meet. Louis is the sun personified; so bright that he's almost blinding and radiating a warmth that is unmatched in Harry's eyes. He has this way of drawing people in and putting them at ease, enveloping them in his aura and letting them bask in his glow for as long as they're in his presence.

Harry's never met anyone like him before and he's completely and utterly smitten.

Harry has followed Louis' career for years, which isn't exactly hard to do with how the media reports on his every move, but even while Louis is a very public figure, he's fiercely protective of his private life. There have never been any romantic relationships splashed across the pages of the tabloids and Harry wonders whether that's because there haven't been any, or because Louis has chosen to keep them secret. Is there a special someone that gets to enjoy this amazing man in private? Is there someone that Louis lavishes his attention on, that he holds close at night wrapping them in his arms as the big spoon, someone that gets to see him at his most vulnerable?

Harry is watching him again as a tall, thickly set man comes up behind him, leaning down and saying something into Louis' ear. Louis frowns and excuses himself from Mel and Sue, following the man across the room, and taking a phone from him as they go.

"Earth to Harry," Kim says from beside him.

"Huh?" Realising he's barely been paying attention to his table mates, Harry glances over and finds her smirking at him. "Sorry? What were you saying?"

"I was saying that he's not what I expected. Not that I thought I'd ever meet him, but yeah, he's-"

"Amazing," Harry says wistfully.

"You two certainly have good... banter."

"Yeah, but he's like that with everyone. Isn't he?"

Kim grins at him, like she's in on a joke that Harry isn't privy to. "Yeah, I mean, he's friendly and funny with us all, but with you there's something else there, something... different."

That gets Harry's full attention and he turns in his chair to face her. "Different how?"

Kim shakes her head and smiles. "Anyone with eyes can see it, Harry. He's always looking at you, watching your every move. And you. You're so obvious. You've got this, kind of like... you've got this little smile that you do. I'm calling it your Louis smile."

Harry chuckles nervously. Has he really been so transparent? "My what now?"

"Your Louis smile. You sort of do this creepy serial killer stare thing first," she says and changes her face to imitate what she clearly believes is a good impression of said stare before her expression morphs into something far softer and Harry can't help but mirror it. "And then yeah, that one."

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