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Three months later...

Louis pulls up across the street from Stems By Styles, cutting the engine and glancing over to see the banner flapping in the breeze under the awning of the side entrance. Grand Opening is emblazoned in black lettering on a gold background, silver balloons bobbing along attached to the sandwich boards that frame the doorway, beckoning people inside.

There are a few people milling about, enjoying the sunny autumn day, although the action is likely out the back in the alfresco dining area if the pictures Harry sent are anything to go by. Louis notices a smattering of fans and a couple of paps mixed in with the actual customers, frowning to himself before he remembers Harry's words. When Louis had raised his concerns about his life, the fame—and all that comes along with it—bleeding in and impacting Harry's big day, his boyfriend had rolled his eyes and swatted him in the chest, assuring him that customers were customers and that Fernando would keep things under control if anything untoward were to occur. He scans the area for his trusty bodyguard and finds him leaning up against the flower shop window, shades down and coffee in hand as he scrolls through his phone awaiting Louis' arrival.

He smiles to himself as he thinks back over the whirlwind that has been the last three months, arguably the best of his life. Sure, he's successful on a scale he'd never dreamed, has the chart topping records and awards to prove it, but what's the point of all of that if there's no one special to share it with? Someone that makes everywhere feel like home, as long as they're there with you. It's been nine months since the love of his life burst into his world and turned it upside down, forever making it fuller and richer and so much better than he could ever have imagined. With his deep voice and his open heart, his long legs and his dimpled smile, his curls and even his smell, everything about him brings joy to Louis' life and he can't imagine a future without him. Lucky for him, he doesn't have to. Harry's it for him, the one, the only person he wants to spend his life with, and he knows Harry feels the same.

After their first date turned into an entire weekend spent together, Monday morning came as a rude shock when they had to part. Louis had wanted to press pause and stay in their cocoon forever, but he knew they couldn't; Harry had a shop to run with a building project to oversee and Louis had an album to finish. But Harry had come back on Tuesday evening, and then again on Thursday and within a couple of weeks he had half his wardrobe at Louis' and had effectively moved in, not only to Louis' house, but into his heart too. As Harry had spent the past few years sinking all his money into his business, choosing to save money by renting a small flat above a local chip shop, it was an easy enough sales pitch to get him to officially move into Louis' house.

They hadn't managed to keep their relationship a secret for long, the tabloid machine getting wind all too soon, and even though he and Harry had discussed what that would mean, it was still an unwelcome intrusion when it had inevitably happened. Louis didn't want to hide Harry and Harry didn't want to be hidden, so they'd agreed to just let it take its course, living their lives carefully, but as normally as possible. Pictures of them had been splashed across the pages and websites of the vulture press, but Harry, true to form, had taken it all in his stride. When they attended an opening for an art gallery a month into their relationship it served as their official announcement and that had been that, other more enticing and salacious stories taking centre stage shortly after. They still garner a bit of interest now and then, and things will likely heat up once Louis is doing promo for his album, but for the most part, they just exist in the media melting pot largely unaffected and Louis is okay with that.

Louis shoots Fernando a quick text to let him know he's here and watches as he looks up and spots Louis' car, giving a short nod and ambling over. His movement catches the attention of the paps, who are familiar with him after all these years, and it doesn't take them long to realize Louis has arrived. They snap away through the tinted windows and it makes Louis laugh because he's obviously about to get out of the damn car so what's the point of taking pictures before he has. He shakes his head in disbelief and waits until Fernando opens his door.

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