Chapter 6: Attempted Rescue

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After a long battle, all the hostile brawlers finally fled.

"See anything around, Peep?" Nani asked.

Peep didn't seem to see anymore enemies coming, the fight is finally over for now.

"Yes! Finally." Jessie sat down and started to repair Scrappy from the damages.

"Uh... Is it just me or is Spike not around here?" Brock looked around.

"WHAT?" The other three exclaimed, and started looking around too, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh no..." Rico was getting worried.

Whilst searching for Spike, the group kept exploring the place. Nani sent Peep to go ahead of everyone else and detect any enemies.

"It has been a while... Peep hasn't sent me any screenshots or recordings yet." Nani checked her controller.

Right after saying that, Peep sent Nani a recording! It was a recording of a dark hallway with tons of locked doors, and a mysterious figure in the distance, but in the video, the figure ran away quickly before being seen longer.

"Umm... Could that be Spike or 8-BIT?" Rico was intrigued by the video. Nani shrugged in response.

Suddenly, the alarms went off. They hastily took out their weapons to prepare for a fight. Nobody came after a while, but they could hear fighting noises from around a corner.

They went around the corner to check on what's happening, then Spike walked up to them. He was really beaten up. And before they knew it, he blacked out and Rico quickly caught him before he fell face first on the hard ground.

"S-Spike?" Rico stuttered.

The group quickly noticed the hostile brawlers running over to them.

"Oh no..." Nani was not ready for another fight.



"You two pull this stunt again, and you two won't like the end results!"


"Thank god we installed a system where the alarms go off whenever a door isn't supposed to be opened, otherwise, you two would have escaped..."

"Welp, he tried to save you, your little cactus friend... Not only he failed, but just got the both of you even more wounded than before! How pathetic!"


"You know, the others are fighting outside right now. I would join, but after what just happened, I have to keep an eye on you."


"Call me weird all you want, but just seeing you all injured is really satisfying to me..."


"You know what? Time to get a bit serious..."

"STOP trying to leak information of us to the public."

"You and your stupid cactus friend has been trying to take us down ever since you two tried to stop being apart of us!"




"We can't face the same thing again..."

"The things THEY did to us..."





"Just... stay here for a bit, okay?"

To be continued...

(This chapter is very short, because I'm gonna make the next one a long one)

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