Chapter 15 part 1

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Dedicated to JahariciaRuiz! <3 another awesome person for fanning me ^.^

Chapter 15 will be divided into parts because I'm too lazy to add to this one lol

Part 1

Cole pov

Karma does bite a person's ass. Kale's shoes wanted revenge, since I destroyed them. I tripped over the Nikes and my face said hello to the stupid ground, guess what my mate was doing. yup, he was Laughing his socks off and staring at me without helping me up. That damn assclown. I'm guessing my face was a shit red tomatoes because the damn idiot laughed even harder when I jumped on my feet.

I let out an inhuman growl, "i hope you shit your jeans, wipe your ass and lick your hands. you damn blued assed shit pot." i hissed at Brent who straightened up and frowned.

Yeah you damn shit face frown, because you're an assclown. Ohhh I rhymed in my mind. I'm awesome.

"Come on, don't be like that Cole..." Brent paused and tried to hold in a laugh, failed.

"Damn sucker." I muttered under my breath.

"I don't want a lollipop and It's not my fault that you farted on your way down."

I felt my mouth hang open, shit now that's embarrassing. I narrowed my eyes at him and he just stared back, did he just say lollipop?

"You're donkey."

"Is that related to the unicorns?" Brent smiled, I honestly think this guy needs help.

"No it's something between a shit face and an assclown." I crossed arms over my chest.

"That's a terrible creature."

Brent is unaffected by my words, I'm wasting breath on him. I sighed and started walking towards...where was I going again?

Oh yeahhh, Chris said to give him a chance.

"Where we heading?" Brent asked from behind, how can I give him a chance?

"We're going to the woods, it's a short cut." I replied coldly without looking back, if my wolf wasn't imaginary she would have growled at me. I know what I said, 'she' for some reason I have a male wolf and a female in my thoughts. It pretty much sucks that I have three voices in my damn mind telling me what to do. Maybe I'm crazy, that's why I'm messed up being a mate to Brent. The female half wants him as much as the male half. I don't have a say in this.

"What are we going to do, turn into wolves?" Brent interrupted my thoughts, I turned to face him, again he had smile only a baboon can pull off.

"Yup." I replied like it was obvious.

Brent raised his eyebrows at me, shit why did he get a hair cut. Damn it my wolf wants him.

"You do know I don't have a tail coming out of my ass." Brent said slowly like I didn't understand.

I glanced behind him and bit my lower lips, "No, but you do have a nice ass."

Shit, shit, shit, crap, damn, hell I just said that out loud. Brent was taking by surprise, no duh. Before he could say anything, I quickly turned away brushing like little lighters were lite on my cheeks.

"What did you say?" Brent asked jogging to keep up with me. Okay, I was speed walking like my life depended on it.

"Come on baboon ass."

"You said that?" Brent asked sounding upset, aww damn shits I feel bad.

"Yup, take it or shove it." I replied, crap I'm mean.

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