Chapter 3

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Brent Pov

The ground was cold as I lay on my back. It was harder then what I'm used to. I blinked trying to regain vision, but it's was too dark. Holy crap it's dark. I must be on Earth. The moonlight was the only light I saw. I closed my eyes again, wanting not to move since my whole body feels like it’s on fire. My left leg felt the worse, I must have broken it. Of course I did, I'm lucky to just have one broken bone and not dead. It was night fall, for the first time I felt tired, I wanted to sleep but the pain prevented me from resting. I hear children laughing and playing in the background. Something different, I don't remember me ever being a kid ever and have fun doing nothing.

“Hey, mister are you dead?” A little girl's voice whispered, I felt something sharp poke my cheeks.

Shush, who pokes someone hurt on the cheeks? Since I'm on Earth my healing ability is slowed down and my wings....they vanished. I'm confused more than the legendary donkeys when they find out they have a lion's tail. Duh unicorns you do. I don't know why my wings disappeared. All I know I won't be able to heal anytime soon. Damn I feel weak. I feel human. I wonder if I still have my powers, I would have to test it out later.

“Hey Mister, Mister, mister, misttterrrr.” The little girl chanted near my ears, and she was poking me in the cheeks repeatedly. I groaned in annoyance, and slowly sat up opening my eyes to be taken back.

he two young children, that looked about eight years old, shrieked in surprise and jumped back two steps. I rubbed my forehead and glanced up again. I can't be seeing this right. In front of me, were mini angels? The two girls were dressed in a sparkly white dress with shimmering feathery white wings on their back. They even had an odd glow on top of their heads....a halo? Huh, only the elder angels have halos.

I stared at the two confused, “Are you angels too?” I asked stupidly.

The short blond haired giggled and pointed at my dirty suit.

“What are you supposed to be?”

“A zombbiiee” the shorter girl said stretching the word out and raising her eyebrows.

“Zombie? What is that?” I asked mostly to myself. Back in High World, we didn't use this term. Maybe it means someone is having a bad day. I sure am.

The shorter girl leaned in and stared into my eyes. I stared back in her dark emerald eyes. I couldn't see clear but it seems like the girl didn't want to lose the stare completion. Me being childish I didn't want to either.

“Your eyes are weird, aren't zombies supposed to have black eyes? You have a silver blue color.” She said placing her hands on her small hips.

“Yeah and why did they change colors?” The other girl asked from behind.

Now that the kid mentions it, why do I have silver eyes instead of gold? What is going on? Frowning I looked up at the girls, “There can't be angels on earth....Show me your necks.” I didn't mean it in a bad way. If I see their tattoos I would believe that they're angels.

I wonder if I still have my stupid looking tattoo.

I waited for the respond which never came, the girls' expression changed too fast. I thought they looked like another Missy there for a moment, until they started getting teary. Uhhhh don't cry, don't cry.

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