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I'm drowning.

I never know how I get here, how I fall into the water, but for some reason, I know, it's the river... Despite its usual nature, it's warm, almost unbearably so, and the liquid feels nothing like water... It's heavier, and every time I gasp for air it runs into my throat and my lungs, with it's irony, sour taste. I'm gagging, but with that, more and more of it pours down, muffling my screams.

"There you go... drink."

Stop making me drink this... Stop. Stop. STOP. STO--

"Good Morning, Sir." I sat up, my eyes snapping open as if I would've been expecting an army in my doorway - instead, it's only Annabeth staring at me with her timid eyes. Servants always have this look - ever since I became a Lord, that is; It's frightened, but judgy, making it clear that they have a lot of questions and opinions, but they don't feel comfortable voicing any of them.

"What is it, Annabeth?" I breathed out, my voice still raspy from the morning. My eyes follow her as she makes her way through my bedroom and opens the curtains, much to my displeasure.

I only frown though - I was paranoid of avoiding the sunlight or making any reference to wanting to. Though I made Beth swear not to tell a soul about what she saw that morning, one cannot really trust anyone with secrets that sell this good.

"I-uhh... A gentleman is here to see you... Some kind of Ruthenberg? Or Rothenberg? Oh god, I'm getting old! I cannot remember for the life of me..." she told herself off, mumbling different versions of the odd surname to herself, as a means to find the right one. I just raised my hand and gestured for her to stop - it wasn't important after all because I didn't know either Ruthenberg or Rothenberg.

"Did he say what he wants to meet me for?"

Could he be a vampire?

No... It's early in the morning, there is no way. However, it's the day of the ball, so couldn't it be, that it has something to do with Reinar? Maybe he has some sort of human servant too, for daytime tasks?

...But why wouldn't he just send me a letter once more? Is it a more private thing?

"No, but he said it's important."

I fell silent for a few moments, trying to validate my options. I didn't know who might he be, but there was only one real way to find out, even if it meant I would need to get out of bed and make something of my mess of a hair.

Yes, I must see it through.

"Alright... Make him wait in the Salon, I'll be right down. Offer him tea cookies or that god-knows-what you serve in the morning." as the sentence left my mouth, I could tell I should've just kept my sharp bloody tongue between my teeth- where it belonged. I apologetically searched Annabeth's drawn-back, hurt expression, trying to find the right words to make it up to her.

Were the cookies awful?


Did she still make them for me, out of kindness?

As it seems.

God, Dantes, you are just a fucking terrible person.

"O-okay, I'll tell him immediately." she bowed, hurrying out the door, but I swiftly called after her:

"Annabeth!" when she stopped and turned to me, I attempted to soften my features and offered her a half-hearted smile.

"I didn't mean that. I'm just a bit upset, is all." as my voice became gentle, and my mouth followed, I could tell she eased up as well, and the weight on my chest lifted. I didn't like catching myself being rude with my servants... It's just so easy to forget, where you've come from.

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