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Three days after the ball.----

"Dantes!" Julie's voice rang playful, her small chuckle directly slipping into a moan, as I pressed my tongue against some of her most sensitive spots, a ghost of a smile hiding in the corners of my lips."Say you're happy to see me." I breathed, looking up from between her legs, letting our eyes meet. As soon as our gazes locked, I tasted her again, hoping to see her lustful expression directly. She was laying on her back, resting on her elbows to watch as I worked my magic – or worked her magic, dealer's choice. Her brown eyes glistened with pleasure when I went back down on her, and I couldn't help but grin, as my plan worked."I'm happy to see you." She whispered, biting down on her lower lip to repress a smile.Julie was already in her late thirties, but being a mature woman only showed in her attitude – I always preferred older women anyways, not that it would've bothered me either way, but amongst many of my lovers, she was one of my favourites to spend time with. If I must, I would even meet with her just for a tea – she was a delight.I kept moving my tongue, listening to the moans I was so eager to hear.After a few minutes I slowly lifted my head, landing a soft kiss on her inner thigh... I felt my jaw clench from how gentle I tried to be, meanwhile my mouth opened wider, urging to bite down on the soft skin.Just a little bit...Before I could've left a lovemark, she suddenly jumped up, making me raise from my position as well – her eyes were stuck on the door."I heard the main entrance!" Her face went all pale, probably already seeing the scandal before her eyes, which would occur if we were to be caught.I offered her a soft, comforting smile, reaching up to caress the side of her delicate face."Do not worry, love. I'll go take care of it.""You? How will you explain-""Julie..." I silenced her, continuing with similar intimacy "You trust me, don't you? It will be alright." After a moment of eye contact, she eased in, pushing her head more into my palms. I tucked a lock of abourn hair behind her ears, kissed her on the lips and jumped off the bed, buttoning my pants and my shirt up – attempting to look like this amazing lady didn't make out with me straight from the front door to her bed."I won't be coming back, dear, so please, feel free to finish what I've started..."I offered her a last smile, and with that, I slipped out the door, taking a final glance at her flustered expression.One may question the moral of sleeping with a married woman but... I guess this won't be the thing that people throw me on the fire for.Almost eating a young girl a few days ago on the other hand...I walked through the corridor with unwavering confidence, not worried one bit about the husband's arrival. George wasn't the kind of man to jump someone's throat without an explanation. There was a sense of soft kindness in the man, one, which I admired.Soon enough, I heard the tell-tale sounds of George arriving. Turning the corner, there he was. The middle-aged man was hanging his coat with great attention, putting his walking cane to the side of his shoes. Well dressed, just as an aristocrat should be – freshly shaven, just how I like it."Dantes?!" He whisper-shouted at me, hurriedly glancing behind my back as if he thought I would go around for everyone to see.I didn't stop as he called out to me, just kept walking with a small smile, until I reached him. I grabbed his collar on both sides and pushed him to the wall, kissing him as if it was the last time I'd ever see him.I heard that he tried to say my name again, but it blurred into an inaudible sound, submitting to my lustful welcome."How did you get in here?" He asked gently, pushing his hand through my hair when we finally parted. I shrugged, watching his face soften at my view. As the middle-man between these two, it was honestly a pity, they couldn't tell each other, what they needed. Both of them were lovely, in their own way, but their romance was lost in translation. George was a soft-spoken man, only showing his admiration in small, but telling signs. He needed force, and guidance – needed someone to drag him along for the adventure. Julie loved to be adored and cherished, and though I'm sure George was more than head-over-heels for her once, she just didn't receive it in a way that she could've taken it in. What a shame, really...... However, that means, more for me."I sneaked in through the back door. I had to see you, you old fox... I'm hungry." I moaned gently in his ear, and I could feel his cheek grow warm."Julie is home, you have to leave."I pouted my lips to show my disappointment but didn't fight the decision much. Mostly, because I was well aware that Julie was home, and though it would be quite the thrill to go around with George too, one shan't be greedy in these delicate situations.I said my goodbyes and parted from the man with the last kiss, slipping out the front door as if I've never been there.It was the middle of the night, yet on the Westside (where I happened to be located at the moment) this was just as peaceful and harmless as any daylight hour. I stalked through the magnificent garden, out the gate, planning my way home in the unspeakable silence of the night.Just as I stepped foot off private property, I heard the thumping sounds of a carriage marching through the street, from my left to the right. I stopped to witness (and possibly not get hit by) the furious dark horses pulling the elegant car, noting the ominous, yet elegant air around the occurrence. In the dim moonlight, the pitch-black carriage and animals painted a picture that would have been worth confusing with a mythological sight – maybe death riding through town and collecting the lost souls wandering the street. Though in such hurry and dark it was difficult to make out anything significant about the wagon, I'm almost certain I saw a crest on its side, engraved with gold. I didn't recognise whom it could have been, but I didn't have nearly enough time to think either - the car by-passed me with such speed, that the wind of its' momentum caught a small lock of my hair, and made it dance in the air like a falling leaf in autumn.I stared after the carriage for a few silent seconds, before deciding; it's time to return East.I arrived at my doorstep with the odd and unsettling feeling, that a stranger has been in my house.I couldn't quite explain it, but the air was different; I could almost swear the heat of the intruder's hand was still warm on my doorknob.Pushing the entrance open, I stepped into the arriving area, my eyes frantically scanning my surroundings, all the while I was careful not to look too suspicious.Though no sign of an uninvited or invited guest has been revealed to me, I just couldn't possibly shake the feeling, that the safety of my home has been violated.After a few moments of silent searching, I decided to make my way to my bedroom, and face whatever monster was hiding in my closet – if there was someone in here, they hid too well for me to find them on my own accord.My steps felt unsure and timid on my own stairs, my fingertips brushed the wooden railing, with a new-comers curiosity, and I couldn't help but feel, I did the exact same thing as the strange guest had done a few hours, maybe minutes ago."Annabeth?" I called out, letting my voice fill the empty halls of the house, but I did not hear back. Not a string of footsteps, or a distant answer – it felt like even the worms in the ground froze just to cease me from any sort of comfort.A deep sigh left my lungs and I continued my way up the stairs until I reached my room. Though I kept looking back behind my shoulders, I saw no one, not even a shadow.Maybe the odd change wasn't the fact that someone new had entered my home, but that someone left it.The idea haunted me for a second, guilt nearing my heart with its cruel, doubt-inducing words, but I shrugged it off sternly.Letting go of Annabeth was the right decision. I couldn't possibly trust her, nor could she trust me – not to mention my newfound, re-reappearing hunger.Entering the bedroom, I lit a few candles and walked over to my desk, to find a pile of letters, all addressed to me (obviously). Annabeth probably left them here before she took off – how dutiful.I pushed the pile apart, trying to see if there was anything notable, but most of them appeared to be generic invitations, or notices – the better half of them business-related.Speaking of business... It wouldn't hurt if I'd visit the shop sometime, no? At this rate, they will forget that I'm the owner.As I took a deep breath, urging myself to get into a few of these tedious duties of mine, I looked up, searching for a pen – but I found something much more interesting instead: a pitch-black envelope, sitting away from the pile, at the edge of my desk. It was clearly placed there at a different time than the rest, but that wasn't the only unusual thing about it: it was sealed with what appeared to be pure gold, a small red flower melted into it.A familiar, overwhelming sense of intimidation crept up in my chest, making my throat tight and my lips dry. Curiosity, excitement and fear battled in my chest, the ominous feeling overtook my bones like a quick, efficient poison.I reached out gently lifting the light little object from the edge of my desk, hoping to take a closer look.There was no addressing on it, yet somehow it clearly got to me, so I had to assume it was self-delivery.After a moment of hesitation, I grabbed my letter-opener, and tore the seal open, slipping the content of the envelope out onto the table; as soon as the soft, expensive papers revealed themselves to me, I eagerly began to read the rich cursives:

Dear Dantes, I was planning to speak to you personally, however, you didn't appear to be coming back anytime soon, and your lovely maid was also unsure of your whereabouts. I wanted to invite you to my home, on the 27th of December, and it would mean a great deal to me if you were to accept. I do trust, I could help you with some of your... new difficulties. I reckon you won't take this letter for what it isn't; a threat or a trap. It is also not violence, you are not obliged to come, though I would highly advise it, given your current situation. Best Regards, Count Clyde MontgomeryP.S.: Please tell your maid, not to invite strangers into your home so easily in the future. It might just be the wrong Vampire once.

I stared at the beautifully crafted message for a few silent minutes, unable to make sense of what was happening. Suddenly, all my suspicions and my disturbing worries came to life. The Count has been to my house. The Count stood at my desk and wrote this letter. I had no words, just a thousand thoughts running through my head, demanding to be voiced or disappear."Dear Lord..." I breathed, feeling a soft tingling in the pit of my stomach, and an uninvited smile creeping to my lips. That cannot mean anything good... My legs are shaking, yet I have a hard time repressing an excited smile – my fear felt like the pleasant shiver one might get when their lover kisses their neck from behind. Dangerous, overwhelming, knee-weakening; I was speechless and confused. If he really meant to talk to me, instead of writing, how come he had all these with him, to leave this note? Does he just carry around melted gold, a flower and a black envelope? It would strike me that he lied, but then again, he did meet Annabeth, so he had to come here in person. It was terribly odd, not to mention the very heart of the letter – an invitation. Count Montgomery just stepped out of a spooky children's tale and offered to help me. What could he mean? Did he realise, the strange changes I experienced? Does he know what I am? Reinar doesn't but... Montgomery's got to be older than him. Maybe he has an answer the other wouldn't even dream of. My eyes were stuck on the letter for a good minute, before I slowly raised it to my lips, inhaling the scent: Summer rain. Such an obvious trap this would be... Accepting would be nothing but outrageous... But, from my perspective, I was already dead, with nothing to lose... Maybe, the Count can offer me something, to make my second life more......rich in flavour.

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