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As it turns out, when Reinar said "dinner" he meant a group of new guests, who mostly looked clueless and flattered to be here. They were announced one by one, and the Vampires clapped and greeted them with great respect – but something was off. None of the newcomers appeared to be anything like the rest of us... I mean, the rest of them.

"Are these... humans?"

"What do you think they'll eat?" the Count retorted with little to no worry in his voice – but it also seemed so, that he wasn't planning to participate, given he was standing next to me, watching the scene like an outsider.

"I expected already imprisoned or captured people to be served." I admitted, watching the victims join the party with naïve delight.

"Vampires like the chase. Some of the guests will get home safely – some won't be that lucky."

I observed in silence, just letting everything go downhill in front of my very eyes. It suggests a questionable moral standing, not to warn any of these people, but I wouldn't warn a bird either if I saw a cat lingering in the shadows. Even with the display of such cruel games, Vampires were nothing compared to humans, on the matter of viciousness – and frankly, I had no empathy for them.

"There goes the first one..." Montgomery murmured, his eyes following a Vampire, whom I soon recognised to be Victoria, leading a young lady out of the ballroom.

My mind quickly travelled back to the night when I was bitten. I could still feel the cold breeze on my colourless skin, and the irony smell of Reinar's blood. I can hear the river, and feel his hands around me, his teeth sinking into my skin like it was no barrier to him.

If the memory wouldn't connect me to Reinar, I might even enjoy the recalling of that odd feeling; the light-headed euphoria of pain.

Victoria apparently didn't need long before she showed her true colours, since soon enough, the room was filled with the smell of blood. The scent was invasive and hard to ignore, and to my surprise, I began to notice my mouth was watering from hunger. It was a similar feeling to when you fail to eat or drink for a day or two, and suddenly even the dew on the leaves seems appetising.

"Are you alright?" I heard Montgomery's concern from my side, but I had little to no energy to form an answer. My entire body was tense, the pit of my stomach was in burning agony and my throat was dry as if I swallowed a sandstorm.

My eyes followed the human guests around the room with desperate concentration, until' my discomfort reached a level that I was not willing to put up with anymore. I am not exactly sure, but I think I excused myself and began to hurry out of the room, my only hope, my own bedroom's picture lingering in front of my mind's eye.

From a good distance, I could still hear a voice call out my name, but I did not care and I did not listen. My only mission became to leave this godforsaken mansion, and with it, this hunger behind.

When I finally reached the door, which I have previously entered through, I grabbed the right-wing and pulled it open, slipping onto the dark corridor without a second thought.

Perhaps due to my hurry or my absent mind, the moment I could've, at last, find my way out in a bit less stressful manner, I felt a soft, small body bump against mine. I stumbled back, also trying to reach out in the relative darkness, to catch whatever had hit my chest just now.

"I'm so sorry"

My hands managed to grab an arm, so my body relaxed, knowing I probably didn't let the girl fall. Her wrist was so thin that I could easily reach around it, even as I was not holding it that tightly.

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