you're sick but won't admit it to her (requested)

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"Y/N," Hayley whispered as she laid down in bed beside you. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She's concerned about you. You've been acting funny throughout the evening and just a few minutes ago, you decided to come upstairs to bed and call it a night, despite the movie still going on downstairs.

Hayley wasn't sure what was wrong but the groans and whimpers she heard you let out as she approached the bedroom told her something was wrong. You stopped letting the noises out when she came to your side, although you're feeling so unwell that you're struggling to keep them from escaping your lips now.

"Nothing. I'm alright." You said but Hayley didn't believe you.

She wrapped her arms around you so she could cuddle you, but you quickly pushed her away.

"What is it, baby?"

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine. Something's wrong. You won't let me cuddle you and I heard the groans of pain that were falling from your lips before I came inside. Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong, Hayley. I promise."

She just shook her head with a sigh. She knows you're being dishonest. She knows something's not right. But she couldn't force you to tell her, no matter how much she wanted you to.

"Okay. If you say so." She said and reached over to turn the light off. "I love you." She whispered and kissed the back of your neck before turning over, her back facing yours.

She decided to just call it a night and let her eyes slip shut.

But she didn't fall asleep. She stayed awake, knowing sooner or later you'd end up getting sick.

And she was right.

Because only a half-hour later, you sat up suddenly.

She did the same. Reaching for the lamp, she turned the switch to turn it on and went wide-eyed when she saw the sweat soaking your skin.

You covered your mouth suddenly and she knew what was about to happen.

She grabbed the empty trash can beside her bed and went to put it on your lap, only to be just a couple of seconds too late.

You tried to get up and rush into the bathroom, but you ended up getting sick on the floor and a little on the sheets.

"Oh, my poor girl," Hayley cooed as she scooted over to you. "Are you okay? Think you're done?"

You nodded and wiped your mouth before hanging your head.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled. "I tried to get to the bathroom but-"

"Shh," She whispered as she cupped your cheek and gently turned your face so your eyes would lock with hers. "It's okay. I understand."

"I'm so embarrassed."

"No, baby, don't be. It happens." She spoke softly before kissing your warm forehead. "How about we take a quick shower? We'll get all cleaned up."

You nodded and she helped you stand up. Walking with her arm around your waist, she helped you to sit on the closed toilet lid and kissed your temple.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go clean up real fast and then grab us some clean clothes. Okay?"

You nodded and she started up the water, finding the perfect temperature before she left the room, promising to return a minute or two later.

And she did.

After she cleaned up the floor and changed the sheets, she grabbed you both some clean clothes and returned to your side. She washed her hands and then helped you out of your dirty clothes and then under the water after she took hers off too.

"Nothing's wrong, huh?" She teased playfully. "You said you were alright but I knew you weren't feeling well."

"I'm sorry." You mumbled against her chest. "Don't be. It's okay."

You hummed against her chest as she rubbed her back, her nails gently brushing against your skin.

She quickly washed your hair and body for you before she did the same. She didn't disturb you feeling so peaceful as the water ran along your body, the droplets gently falling onto your skin.

But soon, the water began to turn cold and you shivered and Hayley knew it was time to get out of the shower and back to bed.

"Come on, honey. Let's go back to bed." She said as she reached back to turn off the water.

She stepped out first and wrapped the towel around her body before she did the same with you. She brushed it along your skin to dry it for you and when it was dry enough, she pulled her hoodie that she got for you over your head.

"Ready for bed?"

You nodded and she got dressed before helping you stand up.

"Do you feel up to brushing your teeth?" She asked as you made it to the sink.

"No." You mumbled sleepily and she nodded before helping you back to bed, turning the bathroom light off behind her.

She helped you to bed and covered you up before she laid down beside you.

"I assume you're not hungry?"

"Not even a little bit." You mumbled and she nodded wordlessly, kissing your head.

"But if you want some soup at any time and if you need me for any reason, such as more blankets or you feel like you're going to be sick again, wake me up and I'll take care of you. "

"Thank you. I don't know what I'd ever do without you."

"It's what I'm here for, my love. Now close your eyes and try to sleep."

"I love you." You mumbled as you drifted off to sleep as she rubbed your back and peppered kisses across your head.

"I love you more, baby, and I hope you feel much better soon."

Hayley Kiyoko Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now