Cp.2 HIM

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As I wake up I get out of bed in my underwear, slipping on my slippers. I walk to my kitchen wanting a warm cup of coffee until I realized I haven't done my shopping yet. I got dressed wearing short tight nike pants with a crop top, socks and comfortable shoes. I get my keys and walk out of my apartment, as I walk I look up car places on my phone as I'm not sure where anything in this place is. I kept walking trying to see my phone screen while the sun is blinding me, as I walk in find myself bumping into a man, I look up before even thinking of picking up my phone from the ground, it's him it's the guy from the plane, I had sex with him on a plane... 

I grab my things and walk away just to feel the man grabbing my arm, I turn around "what do you want?" I say "you found out I drugged you didn't you?" he replies "yes I did find out, now leave me alone" I say, I walk away having that feeling of someone watching me, as I turn around I see him following me, "Think you're getting rid of me that easily doll?" he says "what the actual fuck, are you one of those stalker people" I say, he looks at me and smirks, in a split second he grabs my arm and pulls me close to his body "don't fucking test me doll" I look at him and say "how do you except me to be nice to you love, I don't even know your name... "Sebastian Stan" he replies, I look at him, "where is that metal arm you were plesuring me with on the plane?" I ask "you really though that was real?" he laughs "I use it to plesure girls doll it's fake" he says, "you used that thing on other women, you are truly gross" I walk away.

As I walk away I feel something hitting me, I look down to my stomach, I was shot and I'm bleeding. Things start to blur around me all I could see was a black car with people getting out of it and starts to pick me up, I feel powerless I can't move. They put me in the car, I can't see anything not even a face. A few minutes goes by and I can't stay awake anymore, I lay my head down and pass out. "Don't let her blood get on my car seats you fools this is all your faults" I hear a voice say. I wake up in what appears to look like a hospital bed but is not...

I get up from the bed in a lot of pain, I'm so confused. As I struggle to get out of the bed I hear the door open, "It's  going to hurt you, it's best if you lay down" Sebastian says. I get up running toward him, I start hitting him as hard as I could, "you shot me you bloody fucking piece of shit" I say "I did what my boss wanted doll get on the bed" he replies "fuck you make me" I say, he chokes me and pushes me up towards the wall, the door opens again "Sebastian get out" a man says, Sebastian kept choking me leaving me breathless. The man storms from the door grabbing Sebastian my his neck and throwing him across the room, "I said fucking leave Tom wants you" he says. I fall to the floor coughing trying to catch my breath, I look up to only see the man holding his hand out offering to help me up, I start to cry from pain I just couldn't take it anymore.

He picked me up and held me, he comforted me telling me that he's sorry and that things will get better. "I'm Chris... Chris Evans" he says, I look at him and smile "I'm Y/N Y/L/N" "You are going to be fi..." "CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!" a voice yells, Chris walked away leaving me in the room with a lot of questions. I sat in that room as hours went by, the door opens again, I look behind me... It's Scarlett from New York, but how? "you?" I say "Well hello my love" she says, I look at her with a question mark on my face. She leaves a box on my bed and leaves. I started to star at the box not trusting what was inside, "he wants you to wear the dress do it or you die" a voice says coming through a mic somewhere. I open the box to find the most beautiful dress with heals ever. I put the dress on crying, as I put it on I can't keep my tears back, all I wanted was a new start without my controlling father.

I dress up and wipe my tears, the door opens "go out down the stairs" the mic says again. I slowly walk out the room and look around scared of what I will find downstairs, I walk slowly as I lurk around, a few minutes passes as I get my shit together. I pull my dress right fix my hair and makeup and I walk downstairs, as I walk downstairs I was shocked for what I saw, it was Sebastian, Scarlett, and Chris standing next to a man... A very attractive man. "Welcome Darling" he says while holding his hand out, I walk towards him putting my hand in his "you look beautiful he says and grabs to kiss me.

Possessive MafiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora