💕Black Raisin Cookie x Fem!Reader💕

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In this oneshot, this will be the first time your meeting Black Raisin Cookie. You are exploring this dark forest with your team, Gingerbrave, Madeleine Cookie, Wizard Cookie, and Strawberry Cookie. Here is the key for this oneshot:
(F/W) - Favorite weapon
(C/N) - Cookie name
(F/C) - Favorite color
(H/C) - Hair color
(E/C) - Eye color

Hope you enjoy!

Your POV
You and your friends were exploring this dark forest. The trees had no leaves, the dirt looked like a shaded purple, and the only animals that seemed to be alive were crows. You held onto your (F/W) tightly, looking around this deserted forest. Gingerbrave was leading the way, Strawberry Cookie and Wizard Cookie behind him, side by side, and Madeleine Cookie and me in the back. As we walked Gingerbrave abruptly stopped. "What's wrong Gingerbrave?" Wizard Cookie asked. "I think I heard something." Gingerbrave said, a scared look on his face. Madeleine Cookie walked towards Gingerbrave and patted his shoulder. "My friend, it was probably just one of the crows that live here. There is nothing to fear." Madeleine Cookie comforted with a smile on his face. While Madeleine Cookie was comforting Gingerbrave, I heard a snap. I whipped my head around, my (E/C) eyes scanning the area. Strawberry Cookie looked at me with confusion. "Are you alright (C/N)?" I turned to her. "I....I'm not sure." I say, clutching my (F/W) tightly. A group of crows then landed onto one tree, some still flapping their wings. Wizard Cookie jumped a bit, bringing his staff out. All of us looked in confusion and caution. "What are you all doing here?" A voice called. All of us turned into the direction of the voice. A figure was standing on a tree, a crow perched on their shoulder. They jumped down from the tree and stepped out of the shadows. A female with black hair, armor, and black eyes, one of them having a pinkish reddish sparkle in one of her eyes, appeared before us. I took notice of her having only one arm. How did she lose her arm? Wait...does she live here? My thoughts were interrupted by Gingerbrave shouting, "Woah! Another Cookie? What are you doing here?" He really needs to be careful of how he raises his voice. My eardrums feel like their gonna burst.

Black Raisin Cookie's POV
I looked at the team of cookie's that I had found. They all looked surprised to see a cookie like me in a forest like this. Not the first time this had happened. As I looked at them, I took notice of one cookie on particular. My heart felt as though it had skipped a beat. Their (H/C) hair, their sparkling (E/C) eyes, I felt as though I was entranced. My thoughts were interrupted by one of the cookies shouting, "Woah! Another Cookie? What are you doing here?" I winced at their loud shouting. Jeez, that cookie's a loud one isn't he? I had shook my head. "You shouldn't be here. It is dangerous for cookies like you." I stated. The loud one looked at me in confusion. "Leave? Why would we leave? We've faced tougher things before!" He stated proudly. I glared, "This forest is much more dangerous than you think. You must leave and go back to where to came from." I said, jumping up to a tree. "But we're looking for more cookie to help us take down Dark Enchantress Cookie's followers! We could use someone like you to help!" The loud exclaimed happily. I stopped, then looked back at them. "Your being foolish if you think you can take them on." I said, the wind blowed a bit of my hair. I took notice of the one with (H/C) hair. They looked....troubled. "If you've survived in this forest, then surely you can help us take down Dark Enchantress Cookie's followers." The loud one exclaimed. I sighed. I thought for a moment. They won't survive against them. But what good will it do going with them?.....guess I have no choice, they'll need my help if they want to defeat them. I looked back at them, then jumped down from the tree. "Fine, I'll help you." I said. The loud one jumped excitedly. The one with the (H/C) hair smiled. I felt happy to see her smile. The loud one dragged me by my arm, rambling about how'll I'll love their kingdom. The one with the (H/C) hair followed, walking beside me. The other teammates were at the back chatting. I looked beside me to see her. She noticed my gaze and smiled. I blushed lightly at her smile, it felt intoxicating to me. She then spoke, "I'm (C/N, what's your name?" I looked into her (E/C) eyes, then looked away, a light blush on my cheeks. "Black Raisin Cookie....Nice to meet you."

Your POV
We had a new member! And she seems really nice....and kinda cute. Ever since she came here, I showed her around the kingdom and introduced her to everyone. She didn't have a home yet so I offered for her to stay at my place. I gave her the spare room that I had. I also got acquainted with her pet crow. They were so cute! Her pet crow didn't seem to mind me giving them affection. Black Raisin Cookie helps me around my house, which is really nice of her. She also gives me tips on stealth and how to blend in. When we met her was 2 months ago, and my crush for her grew. She was just so cool and nice and cute and I loved everything about her! Today, Black Raisin Cookie was helping me on a mission. It was just a simple mission that we had to do, but the monsters were difficult. We had set up camp near a lake. I sat down beside Black Raisin Cookie and sighed, exhausted. "Jeez, those monsters were a pain." She nodded, agreeing with me. Black Raisin Cookie was looking around for enemies, her eyes scanning the area. I nudged her shoulder. She looked at me in confusion while I just smiled. I then looked at the fire she had set up while I set up the tents. "Thanks for coming on this mission with me. If you weren't here, I probably would've lost one of my limbs." I said, scratching the back of my neck. She gave me a small smile. "It's no problem at all. I wouldn't want you to be hurt either way." I blushed, averting my eyes from hers. "May I.....May I tell you something?" Black Raisin Cookie asked. I turned to her and nodded.

Black Raisin Cookie's POV
When she averted her eyes from mine, I smiled lightly, but then pondered for a second. Should I tell her? "May I.....May I tell you something?" I asked her. She turned to me and nodded. Here goes nothing. "There is...something that I have been meaning to tell you." I paused before continuing. "You have captivated me ever since I first met you. As time passed, these feelings that I bare..." I say, putting a hand to my chest, my crow friend sitting on my lap. "These feelings that I bare for you....are strong. So strong that I don't know how long I can keep it in. Everything about you....has made my heart flutter. Your kindness towards me, your love for animals, everything. What I'm trying to say is..." I look at her before turning away. "What I'm trying to say is that.....I have fallen for you (C/N). You have filled me with happiness. All I can do is hope....that you accept me." I finished, blushing. I couldn't look at her, I was too embarrassed. Hands then grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at her. She then kissed my lips, my blush growing brighter.

Your POV
After her confession, I grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her. I poured all of my love into it. I know by now I was blushing madly, but I didn't care. She liked me back! I then felt her arm around my waist and her melting into the kiss. She kissed back with passion, my heart thumping in my chest. As she parted her lips from mine, I looked into her eyes. She smiled, "I take it that you like me back?" I nodded, a giant grin on my face. She chuckled, then put her forehead against mine. "Thank you (C/N), for accepting for who I am. I love you very much." I smiled, "I love you too, and I always will."

Hope you guys liked this one! This was a long one but it was worth it! Black Raisin Cookie is one of my favorites! I hope you guys liked this one as much as I did. See you guys in the next one!

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