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Shen Dong was already furious when he came to know that someone had bought many shares that was maybe higher than his 42 percent shares. On the top of that, police is in his home to arrest his third son for attempting to murder his first son and the report was done by his second son.
Is everyone wants to drive him crazy.

The police was waiting at home to catch his Shen Qi. They have firm evidence to arrest Shen Qi for the attempt murder case. Their eyes fell at Shen Qi when Shen Qi entered the hall in a furious way. "DAD. IS IT TRUE THAT THE SHEN COMPANY IS AT A CRITICAL CONDITION."

Shen Dong gritted his teeth "We will talk about it later. But did you want to kill Shen Jin."

Shen Qi froze. He looked at the cops beside his father. "Wh-what do you mean?".

The cops have started to work. They handcuffed Shen Qi "Mr. Shen Qi you are under arrest for attempting to murder Mr Shen Jin."

Shen Qi panicked "N-no. Wh-why would I murder my big brother.  No. Dad tell them."

Shen Dong clenched his fist and slapped hard on the cheeks of his third son. "Why did you want murder him?"

Shen Qi hold his slapped cheek and looked down "why? Why not? He is the eldest young master of the Shen family. He is the shining star of every party he goes. What am I? Everyone recognise me as the step brother of the legal young masters of Shen family. And you are asking me why? He went to the company at the age of 17 but I am 25 now. Did you ever tell me go to company with you. Whenever I talked about it, you said I am not suitable. Why won't I?"

A clap echoed in the hall. Everyone looked at the source of the sound. It was Shen An.

Shen An's face was cold. "Are you trying to show how pitiful you are? Shen Qi? Why don't you say that you and your mother forced my mum to suicide. Especially you who would roam every day in front of mother and remind her about Mr Shen Dong's betrayal to her."

Shen Dong yelled "Shen An. I am your father."

Shen An looked indifferently at his so called father "oh. So you know it but sorry to say I don't acknowledge it anymore. Officers please continue your work."

Shen Dong gritted his teeth "You are nothing without the Shen Family."

Shen An laughed out "oh...we will see about it. Take care~."

Shen Dong was rooted to the floor when his sons left one by one. One was at hospital, other doesn't acknowledge him as a father and the last one was taken away by cops. "Bastards. All bastards."

When Shen An went home, he heard a good news that his brother was responding to the treatment and his fingers moved a little at after noon.

This news was enough for him to be happy.

Next day Shen Dong went to the company to meet the new major shareholder. But when he entered the office and saw a familiar face. "What are you doing here?"




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