Part I // Into The Woods

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"Are you sure you can do this?" Your mom repeated cautiously.

"Yes, mother."

"Let's go over everything once more. Just to be safe."

You let out a deep sigh before straightening your posture and starting over again. "I am to deliver this basket of goodies straight to grandmas house. Once I'm there, I will stay for a few days, and the-"

"Six days! Max." Your mother corrected.

"Once I'm there, I will stay for a few days. Six days max." You repeated, "and then I'm supposed to come straight home. No exceptions! Along the way, I will stick to the trail, and I'll watch out for wolves!"

"Yes! Stay away from those beasts! They're nothing but trouble."

"Yes, mother."

"Okay, okay... and here. Put this in your basket too." Your mother added, placing a jar of some weird-looking goo off to the side "and some extra cookies, bandages, and... ooo this bottle of wine! Do you think she needs a book as well?"

"Mother, if you keep adding more stuff, I won't be able to carry this basket all the way there! What is all of this stuff anyway?" You questioned frustratedly.

Ever since your mother had gotten word that your dear old grandmother was bedridden, she hasn't been taking it well. Sick with worry, but unable to visit because of how busy she was, you offered to go in her stead, and maybe help your grandma for a few days until she could get back on her feet. She normally doesn't like you making the journey alone, in fact, this would be your first time ever being away by yourself, but she didn't have much room for protest.

She was swamped with work, ever since some rabbits got into her garden, she's been having a hard time keeping up with the supply and demand of the townspeople. She just didn't have enough veggies leftover to make enough of a profit on, so she really didn't have any extra time to spare to help Grandma. But it's not like your grandmother was terribly ill, just a small cold, but your mother said that at her age, even a small cold could be dangerous for the old woman. So here you are. Volunteering to deliver some goodies, and house sit until she's well again.

"Just some aloe vera from the garden, last time we visited she seemed a little low, and you know an injury at her age could be dan-"

"Dangerous, yes mother, I know."

"Oh good! And the wine and cookies are a nice treat for her since she can't get out of bed. Same for the book. It'll be something for her to enjoy while laying around. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, mother. But if I'm supposed to make it before sunset today. I need to start heading out."

"You're right. I suppose I'm just a little nervous is all." She sighed. "Okay... don't forget your water bottle for the trip. Then give me one great big hug and hurry out the door before I change my mind!" You giggled at your mothers' silliness, giving her the biggest hug you could manage before walking out the door. "Stick to the trail! And stay away fro-"

"From wolves!" You called back at her. Giving her one last wave and a smile before running off towards the woods.

You were so excited to see your grandma and finally being allowed out on your own, that you didn't stop running until you were almost out of breath. Your mother was a tad overprotective, so you weren't really allowed to do much of anything on your own growing up, and even after you turned eighteen, you still had a very short leash, so being allowed out like this was a real treat. You could hardly contain your excitement, tightening your red hood ever so slightly, while humming in anticipation as you came closer to the usual fork in the road.

"Well, aren't we in a good mood." A voice called out. You followed the voice to a man making his way out of the forest. Bundle of branches in one arm, and an ax in the other. He was older looking, but not as old as grandma, and not as young as your mother, with a big bushy beard and a bright smile. "Where are we off to on such a nice day?"

"Oh, I'm just visiting my grandma!" You replied, returning his smile with one of your own. "Are you a woodcutter?"

"I am indeed, little miss, and aren't you the observant one." He gave you a small bow before he released a deep laugh bellowing through the woods. You giggled slightly at the man's childish behavior.

"If you don't mind me asking, where exactly does your grandma live? Over by Mossy Creek? Or Blue Lake?"

"She lives by Blue Lake... why do you ask?" You questioned curiously. Did he maybe know your grandma?

"Well, since your granny lives up by Blue Lake, that means you'll be taking the path on the left side, correct?" He asked, motioning up ahead to the fork in the road.

"Actually, my mother and me always take the one on the right... is that... not-"

"Tsk tsk tsk. Common mistake! If you take the path on the left, it'll actually get you up towards Blue Lake faster."

"Umm, but mother sai-"

"I'm sure she thought that the path on the right was faster. In fact, most folks do. But trust in me. I've been going in and out of these woods since before you were in diapers. No one knows them better than me. Now, you most certainly don't have to trust me. I just wanted to get you to your dear old grannies sooner is all." He explains, raising both shoulders in defense.

He had a point. There was no harm in taking the shorter route and the sooner you got there the better.

"I'll take your advice. Thank you very much, sir!" You waved goodbye before turning down the left path hearing the man call out a 'be safe' before you disappeared from view.

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