Chapter 4 -Savior-

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Matthew slowly nodded, trying to act innocent "yes... Matthew... I'm Matthew..." He looked down, hiding the wide grin on this face "I'm sorry that I didn't say anything before disappearing.." He sighed, backing away. "No... I'm sorry... I'm just glad you're alive..." Alfred reached out for him, gulping. Canada looked back up, managing to stop smirking "I... I..." He walked closer, holding out his arms. Alfred teared up, walking closer too and hugging him tightly "I'm so sorry... I'm a terrible brother..." He sniffled. Canada took out his knife slowly, hugging back and aiming it at the back of Alfred's neck "it's... Okay..." He grinned. Alfred froze, feeling the cold tip of the blade touch the back of his neck "w-what's that?" He gulped. Matthew chuckled darkly "the last thing you'll feel... The thing that'll end you... my knife!" He laughed. Alfred gasped, shaking "n-no... Dude! Don't!" He panicked, grabbing Matthew's arm and managing to pull it away from the back of his neck "Mathew, dude... Please... No" he gulped, looking into his brothers eyes. Canada stared at him, his soulless eyes looking deep into Alfred's

They continued to stare, staying completely still as if they've seen something terrifying. Without knowing, they both subconsciously leaned their heads closer to to one another. Alfred rested his forehead against Matthews, slowly closing His eyes as matthew dropped the knife and shook slightly. Alfred held Matthew close, still touching foreheads with him and slowly opening his eyes "Matthew... Mattie, come back to me... I don't want you to be like this..." He barely whispered, trying to pull his brother out from the deep and dark grasp of insanity itself. Matthew froze, life starting to fill his eyes again "A-Alfred... I'm so sorry..." He teared up, holding onto him and shaking. Alfred patted his back, kissing his head softly "Shh... It's alright... I'm here now, always... I promise..." He Said softly, holding him tightly. A slight smile appeared on Matthews lips

"Alfred, you're my saviour of insanity..."


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