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"So we'd been working there for like, what? A few months at most," Katy said.

"At least," agreed Shaun.

"And one morning Drey just rolls up in this nice-ass car-"

"Which was a rental," Drey put in. 

"And I look over and Shaun's just standing there like-" Katy did a bang-on impression of Shaun gawking, making everyone laugh.  "I thought he was drooling at the car, then I saw her." Katy nudged Dryaa, who chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"It was definitely the car."

 "And so two became three. The Golden Trio." Katy wrapped her arms around said friends. 

"Won't you feel like you're third-wheeling all the time?" Soo asked.

"Naw. It's cool. They'd be lost without me. It'll be  because of my constant nudging that they will finally get together," Katy said, totally convinced.  "It's like, guys, just kiss already!"

The two in question exchanged a gentle glance. "We're happy with where we are."

"Still, I'm the biggest Shaunaa shipper!" Katy continued. 

"We have a ship name now?"

"Yeah, makes it even more official."

"Yeah, speaking of official, when are you two getting married?" Soo innocently sipped her drink. 


"What? It's an honest question."

"We're not there yet," said Shaun. Realizing he had spoken for them both, he turned to Dryaa, who nodded in confirmation. 

"Well that is  a big commitment," said Katy.  

 "Thank you!"

"Like getting together is one thing, but marriage is a whole other  thing!"

"Yeah, watch out Katy, or we'll start playing matchmaker with you," Dryaa joked. 

"I mean, come on, commitment is scary," Katy said, talking a mile a minute as they left the restaurant. They would have been more  than happy to stay on and have another (or two) drinks, but Soo and John, being the responsible adults they were, had to go home. It was, after all, a work night. "Like, excuse us for living a little!"

"I bet Soo's going to start planning our wedding now," Dryaa joked.

"Probably," Shaun agreed.  "Knowing her."

"Too late, I've already started!" said Katy.

"Speaking of late, on that note, it's late. We should get home, we have the early shift tomorrow," Shaun told Katy, checking his phone for the time. 

"That time already.  Yeah, we probably should. Probably should do that." Katy nodded, hands jammed deep in her jacket pockets.  "Or-"

Dryaa chuckled, knowing what she had in mind. "You two are a bad influence."

"On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world

A new fantastic point of view

No one to tell us, "No"

Or where to go

Or say we're only dreaming!"

The trio did some wild Karaoke, the highlight being Shaun and Katy's Aladdin duet. 

At the end of the night's festivities, they walked Katy home first.

"Well, g'night peeps!"

"Night Katy."

"See you tomorrow."

"I'll walk you home," Shaun offered to Dryaa, always the gentleman, but she also noticed him trying - and failing - to suppress a giant yawn.

"No no, it's way out of your way, you go home to bed. Besides, I don't have the early shift in the morning.  I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay. But text me when you get home."

"Will do." Neither made to move or anything. 

"Maybe Soo was right."

"What do you mean? About what - us getting married?"

"No - I mean, about it all.  Maybe, some day..."

"I know what you mean."

"Like the whole commitment thing. Committing to everything..."

"Honestly, I think it's good you're taking it slow," she told him.  "But also, don't be afraid to commit to something. You never know for sure until you try, right? But also don't be afraid to jump right into something either - I mean, that's sometimes how it works, and sometimes how it works out best." He gave her an amused look. "I know, I know, I'm wise beyond my years." This made them both chuckle. "Sometimes I know what I'm talking about. Sometimes." A pause, and they chuckled again.  "Goodnight Shaun."

"Goodnight Dryaa."

"Love you..." The words were on the tip of their tongues, ready to be spoken.

"It was the car you were drooling over that day, right?"

"Oh yeah, totally the car. Definitely the car. Sweet ride!"

"Yeah that's what you said. Well goodnight."


"Love you..." There it was again.  But again, both held back and instead went their separate ways into the night. 

(And here we have the first chapter! :)  Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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