Chapter 2

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TW: short description of physical pain


Memory. What we experience in life shapes us, teaches us, and makes us the people we are today. Our memory reminds us of what happened and usually doesn't let us forget. But what happens when certain memories are just gone?

A few weeks have passed, and for Hope, it seemed like nearly every day was just the same. Her aunts were homeschooling her before she spent the rest of the day alone if she wouldn't spend time with her aunts. It wasn't unusual for the redhead as she likes to be alone, but lately, she had this recurring dream.

In that dream Hope was alone in the dark, taking a few wondering steps before suddenly a white wolf appears in front of her. The beautiful white fur of the wolf is the only light in the room. Hope and the wolf are alone. No words are spoken as they quietly stare into each other's eyes. As she stares, Hope realizes that she and the wolf in front of her have the exact same eye color. It gives her a familiar feeling—a feeling of trust. The eye color of the wolf suddenly changes from ocean blue to a mesmerizing mix of gold and red, a color Hope has never seen before, making her desperate to paint.

Hope was breathing heavily, as she usually would when she woke up from that dream. But tonight was different as she suddenly felt unbearable and aching pain. If Keelin hadn't been out of town on a trip with the Crescent pack, she would've heard Hope's tears and pain while Freya was deep asleep.

The pain didn't stop. It only worsened when she felt every bone in her body suddenly cracking. Her brain wasn't functioning. It was as if her body didn't belong to her anymore, as she ran outside in excruciating pain.

As the wolf inside her took complete control and finished the long torture of transitioning, she didn't stop running.


It was a quiet night when Caroline was doing paperwork in her office. Being a vampire that doesn't need much sleep is handy when you're the co-principal of a school full of supernatural kids.

"Aunt Caroline! You have to come! A wolf is running around in the woods!" Her niece Stephanie was screaming as she ran into her aunt's office.

"What are you doing in the woods in the middle of the night, and what do you mean a wolf is running around?! There's not a full moon tonight. Are you okay? Did you get hurt." Caroline asked, confused and slightly angry with her niece.

"I mean, a gigantic white wolf is running around, and yes, I am okay. I vamp speeded as soon as I saw it." Stephanie answered.

(A/N: long story short. Stephanie Salvatore is at the Salvatore school because she dramatically became a vampire after hearing the stories of her parents' adventures. Stephanie won't be a big part of this Hosie story. It's just a tiny name drop for now.

To avoid confusion: As Delena's daughter, Stephanie is Caroline's niece by marriage and, therefore, the cousin of the twins.)

"I'll take care of this. Go to your room; we'll talk about this tomorrow." Caroline gave the 'you're in trouble' look as she spoke to her niece.

"Be careful," Stephanie said, with a soft look, knowing it won't take away the speech she'd receive tomorrow.

"I will don't worry." The voice of the blonde vampire softened, knowing her niece cared about her.

The blond vampire carefully wandered around the woods. Knowing they had remainders of Klaus's blood locked in a safe in case of a wolf biting a vampire only slightly calmed her.

Then she suddenly saw it. A gigantic and beautiful white wolf. But how could this be when there wasn't a full moon? There was only one pack that could turn at will. She knew it couldn't be one of her students.

For a short while, Caroline stood still, waiting for the werewolf to react, surprised that it was calm.

Hope's wolf was calmer, compared to when she saw Stephanie. Caroline's smell was familiar, it gave her a feeling of comfort.

When Caroline carefully approached the wolf, she got a better look at it when she realized who was in front of her.

"Hope, is that you?" When Hope crawled into Caroline, she knew her assumption was right.

"Did you run all this way here? Why can't you change back?" she asked as she gently patted the beautiful white fur, knowing she wouldn't get an answer.

Caroline got Hope's wolf to follow her inside the school and led her to her old room, which was still empty, waiting for her to return.

Hope's wolf got comfortable on her old bed, still not changing back, being too tired from all the running.

Caroline sighed, hoping that she could help the tribrid somehow. But for now, everyone needed rest, except two people.

She called multiple times, but Freya didn't pick up.

Eventually, she gave up and texted a short "WTF happened to Hope?!?!? She ran here in wolf form and hasn't changed back yet. You have to come to the school immediately!!!"

With that, she let the wolf sleep and went to wake Alaric up.

Hello everyone,

I finally got some time to write this chapter.

Although I intended this chapter to be longer and to include what's coming next, it's close to midnight as I'm updating this, and I have work and university tomorrow. I didn't want you to wait any longer.

The next chapter will likely be way more drama/angst.

I'm very new to writing angst. I'd very much appreciate reading how you think I'm doing so far. I know this chapter doesn't have much drama/angst compared to the last one.

I hope you like this chapter and are all doing well.

Please comment on what you think! I always appreciate your comments.

Lots of love,


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