Chapter 2

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Ainsley's POV:

Hi, my name is Ainsley Coldwell, most people call me Ains, and some even called me Leslie. I live in  a beach house with my dad, Clive, my older brother, Liam, and my younger brother, Buddy. Why live in a beach house you may ask? Well, what we have learned is that being near an area with loud sounds is safer. Louder sounds will block softer sounds like sounds from our voices. The ocean waves are pretty loud, meaning it blocks all of our softer sounds.

Mother had just passed away a few months ago, she was killed by that horrifying monster— I prefer not to speak about her death. She was a lovely woman though and I aspire to be more like her. She had an adventurous spirit and always looked at the bright side of life.

Seeing mother die was the most traumatic thing I ever had to see. Not only was it sad but it made me angry, it gave me the urge to kill one of those monsters. So as soon as she died, I made myself a promise that I would find one of the monsters and kill it. I would create a master plan that would help me kill as many of those creatures as possible. First, what I had to do was learn about their behavior, second I would have to connect the dots, meaning I would have to put all of my research together and learn exactly what they are and what they are doing, third, I would need to create a weapon of some sort to kill them with, and lastly, of course when everybody was a sleep, I would go out and kill one. And soon enough, I would be learning to kill more and more of them.

I really felt like this was the best way to pay respect to my mother.

The only problem was my father, he has been really  protective over my siblings and I after mom died, he didn't want it to happen to us. Meaning we could not go outside or go anywhere without his permission to do so. We could also never leave the beach or go to far from the beach house. Also not to mention, he had caught me so many times trying to sneak out of the house.

"What did I tell you?? Those creatures are still out there and we have no idea if one of them will just sneak up on you and snatch you!" He yelled, on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry..." I would simply say.

But his tears weren't enough to stop me.

So I decide to observe what time he usually wakes up, which is around 8 am. I realized the best time to go searching for the monsters to research about them is before father wakes up.

So I woke up at 5 am that morning. Got dressed, got my gear such as binoculars, notebook, pencil, and a flashlight since it was still dark, and went out. I didn't even had time to eat breakfast, I had to do this now or never before father wakes up.

I slowly walked out of the beach and walked on the sand path father had made, making sure not to make a sound, if I did I could say goodbye to my life.

At this point, the ocean waves were hard to hear. Until suddenly it was gone, there was no sound, only the small ring in my ear that you usually hear when it's really quiet.

The sun was rising now, father would wake up soon, I had to be quick!

That was when I heard leaves rustling, from behind me, my body froze. I turned around, nothing there. I spun around in circles but I could see nothing. My body was trembling, my mind filling with thoughts, almost like millions of voices were talking in my head, I couldn't even comprehend what I was thinking.

I heard the rustling again. The rusting got closer and closer and closer to where I was.... it was behind me.

Turn around—

I thought.

But before I could turn around, I felt something.

Somebody grabbed me by the waist on one hand and put their hand over my mouth with the other. Their touch was unfamiliar.

My heart was beating faster and faster, I'm pretty sure that the monsters could hear it.

"Don't.... make... a sound..." the voice whispered, I nodded, and they then let go of me.

I turned around to see who it was, and it was a tall man who I didn't know but I felt like I've seen him somewhere. He had other people with him: A beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, a teenage girl with short curly hazel hair and blue eyes who had a soft expression on her face, and a boy who looked around my age—


He looks... familiar, I've seen him somewhere!

But where....

He had brown curly hair and hazel eyes and had a scared expression on his face.

"You guys look worn out.." I whispered, they all nodded.

"Do you have any place that we can stay at?" The man whispered.

Mother and father taught me to never speak to strangers, or to invite them to our home. But this was an emergency. They looked like they had been walking for hours and hours, I would feel pretty bad if I just left them there.

I sighed, the monster searching mission is going to have to wait

"Yes..." I answered. "Follow me".

They all followed me down to the beach, I'm sure there was more room for them at the beach house. By now the waves were loud so we could talk normally again.

As we walked down the beach, father ran out of the house and hugged me tightly, tears running down his cheeks.

"Where were you?!" He exclaimed, "and who are these people?!".

"They need a place to stay, I found them near the woods and I was wondering if they could stay here," I explained.

"No more words," father said. "I'm Clive, and this is my daughter, Ainsley," he shook each of their hands.

"Emmett," said the tall man.

"Evelyn," said the blonde haired woman. "This is Reagan," she continued.

"Marcus," said the brown haired boy.

Marcus.... what a familiar name.

I examined him for awhile, but I then realized that we were making eye contact so I quickly looked away.

"Right, I believe we have room for you guys, please follow us," he gestured.

We went over to the beach house which stayed pretty close to the ocean, and near a big light house near rocky areas.

For all I knew, things were going to change...

.... a lot.

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