Chapter 11

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Ainsley POV:

After an hour later of pain, everybody came back into the house, Liam let out my little brother and baby Abbott out of the closet they were hiding in for protection.

"Ainsley!" Buddy yelled, looking at my wound! "What happened?!".

"Don't worry Buddy, I'll be fine!" I said trying to find the pain in my face with a smile.

"I think it's better you go into the other room for now," Liam said, patting him on the back and leading him to his room with baby Abbott.

"Right, Ainsley, this is going to hurt a lot okay, especially since this is a huge wound, okay?" Evelyn informed, I froze.

Marcus sat next to me on the couch and wrapped his arm around me, "don't worry, you'll be okay," he said showing a soft smile, "just don't look" I nodded.

"You may want to put this in your mouth," Emmett said, handing me a cloth, "so if you scream it won't sound as loud", I grabbed it and put it in my mouth.

Evelyn first cleaned my wound with water, which stung a lot, but it was only a few seconds later when I felt unbearable pain on my leg, pain that I can't even describe! I couldn't help but scream at the top of my lungs but it sounded all muffled cause of the cloth in my mouth. Marcus caressed my hair and Reagan held my hand. A few minutes later, the unbearable pain was over, but my wound still stung a lot.

"We don't have anything to numb the pain, we'll just wrap the wound around with clothing and blankets until it gets better" Evelyn said.

My father grabbed some sheets and blankets and ripped them apart to make them small enough for my leg and Evelyn wrapped it around and made it really tight to put pressure, "this should do the trick!" She said.

"Ainsley, I think you should go to sleep, I know it's the afternoon but the wound will heal faster if you get some rest," my father suggested, I nodded and went upstairs to my room and lay on my bed, covering my whole body with my blanket.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I woke up immediately, almost as if I had blinked! The whole room was dark now, I opened my curtains to see the clear night sky. I check the clock to find that it was 11:48 pm. How long have I been asleep for?

I got out of bed but as soon as my wounded leg touched the ground I felt unbearable pain run through my whole body, I covered my mouth right before I gasped. I slowly placed my other foot on the ground and jumped on one foot out of my room. That was until I had tripped but somebody had caught me!

I looked up to see who it was but all I could see was a silhouette of them, a male with curly messy hair that looked around my height.

"Marcus?" I asked, as he helped me back up.

"Ainsley, what are you doing at this time of the night?" He asked.

"I just woke up, I've been sleeping for hours" I explained, "I'm not tired anymore".

"Neither am I," he sighed as he leaned against a wall and I leaned against the other.

"I realized that I still haven't said thank you," he started, "thanks for saving my life".

"Hey, anytime!" We both laughed a little.

"Why did you decide to save me though? I mean— I made you really upset a couple days ago," he asked, "I thought you hated me".

"I don't hate you—" I stated.

"Then why did you decide to save me?—" he asked.

"I don't know—" I started, "I guess when I saw the monsters, my first instinct was to protect you—" I explained. There was a very long pause, even if I couldn't quite see him, I could tell he was staring at me.

"I'm sorry—" we both said at the same time, my stomach dropped, my face felt hot, why was I feeling like this?

"Sorry? For what?" I asked, "I did all the bad things to you!"

"No you didn't, you were right, I don't understand how you feel," he explained, "I might've lost my father, but not in the same way that you lost your mother."

"Please don't say that—" I said, "I was in a very bad mood that day, I deserve to apologize! Please don't bring yourself down only to make me feel satisfied, that's not what I want. Please don't make it seem like your dad's death didn't hurt you when it did!" I pleaded, "please don't do that to yourself."

That's when he got out of his leaning position and hugged me tight, I immediately hugged him back, it's been so long since somebody had hugged me, in that moment I felt comfort, I felt like I was safe again. We stayed in that hug for awhile until we decided to pull away.

"I think it's time we start fresh again," he began. "Hi, I'm Marcus Abbott, and you?" He introduced, gesturing me his hand. "Hi, I'm Ainsley Coldwell, it's a pleasure meeting you," I introduced, shaking his hand. We both laughed!

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