Chapter Two

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The guys went straight to the limo and as soon as they got in, two or four nurses were running after them, along with a crazy person who was chasing the band like a mad man.


Demon told the limo driver.

Spaceman looked out the window and when he saw what was outside, it gave him a shiver up his spine.

Once they were away from the psychiatric hospital, Starchild let out a sigh of relief.

"You look like you're showing your soft side".

Catman smiled, and then frowned when he saw how pale the little girl was.

"She is burning up, we must take her to the hospital".

Demon said, and told the limo driver to take the band to the nearest emergency room.

As soon as they arrived, the little girl began to cough and then Starchild watched in horror when the child began to spit out blood.

Demon was in no hurry to get into the hospital.

"Someone help us! We've got a hell of a sick patient over here"!

Within a few seconds, two doctors and nurses came running over towards them and they immediately rushed the little girl into emergency surgery.

Starchild, Catman, and Spaceman watched as Demon sat down on one of the chair in the waiting room.

"Hey buddy, I'm sorry if I offended you earlier back there".

Catman sat down next to Demon, and soon the other guys followed.

"It is okay. I think I'm going to adopt her".

Demon replied, and then playfully slapped Catman across the shoulder.

All four of them laughed.

It was a long while before the nurse finally came back to talk to Kiss.

"You guys can come in and see her. She is just resting now".

The nurse smiled and lead them to the patient recovery room.

There was the little winged girl, sleeping in a hospital bed with an IV connected to her arm to give her fluids.

Demon pulled out a chair and sat down next to her.

The bass guitarist laid a gentle hand on the girl's head.

She had long hair that was dark black and she was so underweight that the doctors had to give her food in liquid form through a tube.

The guys felt really sorry for her.

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