C H A P T E R 6

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C H A P T E R 6

I slept in my truck that night. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to get sober and march in there and make an actual apology and everything would be fine and dandy.
But I screwed up badly, and lost their trust. Their friendly love.
I lost Dean and that hurt the most. I'm not gonna be able to see his smile for a long time. All because I took a beer, even though I swore 3 years ago that I would never pick up another goddamn beer, wine, whiskey, scotch, vodka, hell, any alcohol ever again.
And look where breaking that promise got me?
I rolled around in the limited space of the front seat of my truck, squirming to get comfortable.
There was a knock on the window to the right of me, and I jumped up in my seat in surprise, conking my head on the ceiling. First, I turned down the heat in the truck because I was sweating like hell, and then I rolled down the passenger window.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Bobby smiled, his hands in his grimy jean pockets.
"Mornin', Bobby... Look, I'm really sorr-" I started, but Bobby cut me off.
"To be completely honest with you, Delaware, you shouldn't be apologizing. Sam really does need to get his shit together. And you can really help." Bobby looked me in the eyes, and I shivered under his hard stare,
"Dean needs to man up. Yeah, Sam's his brother, but he needs to take action and start getting his brother to realize that drinking demon blood only gets you in deeper shit." Bobby said. I was relieved that Bobby didn't come all the way out here to yell and spit in my face.
I opened up the door and stepped out of the truck. The truck gave a heaving creak and a groan.
"I'm sure nobody will bite your head off if you come in for breakfast." Bobby said, giving me another smile. I grinned as I walked in sync with him up to the porch steps and into the house.
Dean was standing at the kitchen sink, staring out the window.
"Hey... Dean.." I mumbled. Dean turned around and I gave him a small wave.
"You shouldn't be apologizing to me." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
"No shit, Sherlock. Where's Sam?" I asked, my hands on my hips.
"He's in the living room, reading," Dean stepped closer to me, his voice in a low whisper, "don't screw this up, Delaware." I nodded, taking a step back from Dean.
I headed towards the living room and stood in front of where Sam was sitting, reading about Werewolves.
"Sam,..." I muttered. I was trying to muster up enough intelligence to think up a proper apology in 3 seconds flat.
"Sam, I'm sorry I got angry. I shouldn't have had so many beers- hell, I should've just stayed sober. I just really want to help you. I want to help you guys track down Lilith and stop Lucifer. But, with this demon blood stuff in the way, it'll be-" I was cut short by Sam.
"Thanks for apologizing, but I don't need your sympathy."
I let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed my forehead.
"I'm not offering my sympathy, Sam. I'm offering my help." I was biting my tongue so I wouldn't say something bad while sober. "We didn't really start off great friends, and I'm willing to change that." I added.
Sam closed the book he was reading and set it down.
"Fine." He said.
"Fine?" I asked.
"Yeah, fine." He stated.
"Nothing else? No comment?" I prodded at him with my words.
"Don't test me, Delaware." Sam said, and he actually broke out a smile. A nice, genuine smile.
I balanced on the toes of my cowboy boots and hugged Sam, squeezing him with my strong arms. He looked startled, and awkwardly hugged back, patting my back.
"Sorry, Sam. I'm a hugger."


We sat around Bobby's dining room table. The table had a thick layer of dust settled on top of it. Every time someone moved, dust would scatter and flitter through the air.
"So, do you guys have any idea where Lilith is?" I asked. Bobby shook his head no. Dean shrugged and Sam just sat there, twiddling his thumbs.
"That's a very unconfident and miserable no." I said, rubbing my tired eyes. "This is gonna be harder than I thought..," I muttered to myself, "Tell me about Lilith then. Is she a Satan crazy crackhead human? Some sort of spirit? Mythical somethin'-rather?" I listed off random things, looking for an answer outta them.
"Lilith's a demon." Sam said, and my body stiffened.
"A demon? Makes sense... So this demon, Lilith, want to free Lucifer. And to free Lucifer, you have to...?" I waited for an answer.
"Break the sixty-six seals." Dean replied, shifting in his seat.
"Okay. So, how many seals has she broken so far?" This was taking forever to get out of them. They basically know next to nothing about this.
"We... Don't know that quite yet." Bobby said miserably.
I heaved a sigh and ran my fingers through my tangled hair.
"I'm guessing we don't have much time, then?" I groaned.
"Not much." Bobby leant back in his wooden chair, his arms crossed.
"Well, shit."


Thanks for reading another chapter! Sorry, this one wasn't as great (in my opinion).

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-macywho <3

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