C H A P T E R 8

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C H A P T E R 8

The tension was thickened between Dean and I. My hands gripped the steering wheel, trembling which each bump in the road.
Dean was quiet.
Painfully quiet.
The 10 minute drive back to the motel room felt like 10 hours. Once the truck was in park, me and Dean jumped out and headed towards our room.
"So, what did you say to the guy?" Dean mumbled as he unlocked the door. I followed him inside, replaying the conversation in my head.
"I asked if Sam Winchester was staying there." I said, leaning against the wooden table in the room.
"Delaware, why do you think Sam would be using his actual name?" Dean asked, his voice getting louder and lower than usual.
"Why wouldn't he?"
Dean almost snapped at that. He clenched his teeth together, his jaw set.
"Are you stupid?" Dean's words exploded from his mouth, venomous words pouring out of him. "Do you really think Sam would do that? Use his own name?"
It suddenly hit me like a slap to the face. Was I really that dumb? But, what name would Sam use? How would I know that name? What names has Sam used in the past?
"Dean, what name should I have used, then? What, maybe like, Steve Jobs or something? Dr. Phil? What, huh?" I shot back, and I paused to breathe.
Dean started to talk, but I interrupted him. "How would I know? Me? I'm not his brother, you are! Oh, and what I don't get is why I had to get you to finally get your ass movin' so we could actually get started on trying to do something about Sam!" I screeched in his face.
Dean looked offended. His face was red and I swear I saw steam rising from his ears.
"You think I haven't done anything about Sam yet? I cannot believe you have the damn nerve to say that to me!" Dean yelled, his hands raised above his head menacingly.
"Well, Dean Winchester, you better start believin' it, or so help me God." I said in a quiet but poisonous tone.
Dean's hands came to his hair and his fingers ran through his hair several times.
"We sound like a damn old married couple, fighting like this, Delaware." Dean groaned.
"Then start helping. I can't do this alone, and it's your little brother we're trying to help." I pointed out and Dean rolled his eyes.
"You keep telling me that like I don't already know, Captain Obvious." Dean complained, and I glared at him.
"Just,.. Just stop, okay? Let's just stop. This is getting us nowhere." I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest. Dean nodded and walked over to the mini fridge, grabbing a cold beer. He doesn't even offer me one, knowing what'll happen.
I headed over to my bed and laid down, my head sinking into the old pillows.
"We should go to Bobby's in the morning," Dean said, taking a sip of his beer, "he can probably help us."
I was too tired to stay anything, so I grunted in agreement. I rubbed my temples, massaging them with my fingertips. The fighting made my head hurt like hell.
I curled up into a tiny ball, my head almost between my knees and my arms tucked in.


Another update that too wayyyy too long. Sorry guys! And this chapter wasn't really that great also. It was short, but I'm working on Ch.9 right now.

Sorry again, guys!


-macywho <3

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