C H A P T E R 9

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C H A P T E R 9

The motel door slammed, waking me up rather abruptly. My eyes fluttered open, my cheap mascara smeared under my eyes. I yawned, and I got a whiff of my breath. My nostrils instantly disagreed with my morning breath.
I lifted my head up from my pile of blankets, and my eyes landed on Sam's tall 6'4 figure. He was standing over Dean's bed, looking pretty nervous.
Wait a minute.... Wasn't Sam out with Ruby? I thought he was gone, like, for good. What the hell?
Well, don't take that wrong. I would hate to see him go, but he started all this stuff, so. Ah, forget it.
Dean finally woke up to Sam staring at him.
"Well, well. Look who it is." Dean said, more to me than anyone else. I rolled my eyes and swung my feet over the edge of the creaky bed. My feet searched for my cowboy boots, slipping into them.
"Yeah, hey. Breakfast?" Sam's question hung in the air. I looked at Dean for approval.
"Sure thing, Sammy." Dean smiled, but his eyes were tired and hollow. Sam gave him a small nod and grabbed the keys. "I'll wait in the car." He said.
I rubbed my eyes as I stood up and walked towards the tiny wooden table, scooping up my jacket. There was chill this morning.
Dean was brushing his teeth in the bathroom while I combed through the tangled mess of red hair in the mirror that hung on the wall next to the bathroom. Underneath was were you could hang your keys, and a small wooden stand with a sad excuse of a tiny fake flower that sat in a purple plastic vase.
Dean emerged from the bathroom, giving me a wink. I stared into his eyes for a moment, searching for any sign of life.
Not a single thing.


Dean shuffled down to the end of the padded seat in the booth. I stood there whilst Sam budged in front of me to sit beside Dean. I shrugged that off and say across from them, clasping my hands together. A waitress appeared with 3 menus for us. We each took one, studying the words.
Dean ordered the Pig 'N' A Poke with sausage and orange juice, Sam ordered the omelette with no peppers, and I ordered the short stack of pancakes with extra whipped cream and strawberry sauce.
Sam looked uncomfortable. Maybe it was me staring at him every once in a while, making sure his eyes didn't go black. Or maybe it was a bit humid today. Either way, he looked questionable at best.
A few minutes later, the waitress brought out our dishes. Dean tried to start some chit-chat between us.
"So, Sammy, we're gonna be heading back to Bobby's today. I think he's dug up somethin' on Lilith The Bitchith." Dean looked proud with his new name for Lilith. Sam gave a low, quiet laugh.
"That's good. I actually found where she's heading. I'll tell you guys when we get to Bobby, to see what he says." Sam said, then his silverware started to clink against each other as he cut through his omelette.
I nodded, and Dean began to dig into his gigantic dish of meat, meat, and meat. I rolled my eyes and began to eat my pancakes. The fluffiness of them soaked up the sweetness of the strawberry perfectly.
You know, I was originally gonna be a chef, well, if my dad didn't take me and my brother on that hunt. I'm a great cook, but I don't have the resources. It gets hard when you live on the road 24/7. You can't lead a normal life, with a spouse and some kids. You have to keep shooting.
Keep killing.
Keep on fighting.
"Del, you okay?" Dean asked. I looked up from my pancakes, which were now soggy. I pushed the plate of food away, even though my stomach groaned in protest.
"Yes. I'm fine. Can we get going?" I asked, and Dean stuffed a sausage into his mouth, chewing viciously.
"Sure thing, sweetheart." Dean said through a mouthful. My heart didn't even jump when he said 'sweetheart'.
Do I even have a heart anymore?
Sam and Dean finished off their breakfast and paid. We headed out to the Impala. Sam budged in front of me to sit in the passenger's side. Dean in the driver's seat. Me in the back.
I started to think to myself while I sat in the back seat.
"This is how they always are. They can't change. They won't. Sam beside Dean forever. They can't part, or Dean'll panic. Sam'll hurt himself. Well, he already is, with this addiction and all."
All throughout the drive to Sioux Falls Dean kept glancing at me through the mirror. He kept asking, "Del, you okay?" Like it was his coping strategy. Like it gets him through, knowing that I'm okay. I never replied. I just gave him a look through the mirror, and he'd look back to the road. Which was a good thing. He never pays attention to the road. I'm surprised we're not dead yet.
We pulled into the gravel clearing of Bobby's place. I was happy to get out of the cramped space of the Impala.
We all stretched out arms and legs out. Dean led us to Bobby's front door and let himself in. Sam and I followed him inside. Sam looked weary and tired. I'm guessing he hasn't had'a taste of blood since last night with Ruby.
He's not gonna get a taste of her for a long time.
We all said hi to Bobby, then went downstairs in silence. Sam looked uncomfortable, Dean looked robotic, with no expression at all. I was paranoid. I was scared of what was gonna come next.
I'm sure you are to.
Bobby took us into a big room that had a iron beamed ceiling and concrete walls and flooring. There were traps and signs drawn everywhere, and a small bed in the middle of the floor.
"This is my new panic/apocalypse room. Pretty nifty, huh?" Bobby said, smoothing out his plaid shirt.
"When'd you make this?" Dean asked, playing along.
"I had a weekend..." Bobby shot back.
Sam was standing in front of the far left wall, studying the devil's trap that was spray-painted on. Bobby and Dean started to back away quietly towards the door, and I did also. We slipped behind the thick iron door and slammed it shut.
I heard Sam's anxious footsteps and his screams. This made me shudder. Dean's face slowly melted into a mixture of misery and guilt. Bobby was sympathetic.
Sam slammed his body against the door, shrieking for Dean.
"Sam, this..." Dean could barely talk, "Sammy, this is for your own good."


This was hard to write. I had so many feelings. And I was listening to Work Song by Hozier to power me through.

Anyways, another chapter to publish! Hoped you enjoyed this chapter<3


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