Mi Padre

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Tonz stopped in the driveway, he could see that this place is more homey compared to their mansion in Greenhills. He spotted some BMW bikes and golf carts at the far end of the driveway. Two huge dogs welcomed them, a German shepherd and a St. Bernard. Cie Cie rubbed the dogs in their heads, they turn to him to take a sniff, but a booming voice called them.

"Apollo! Ares! Come here boys!"

A tall, dark and dignified man came out of the front doors. He was wearing a blue polo shirt, cargo shorts and white sneakers. Although he look casual, his feature exudes power.

Tonz felt intimidated, but he kept his cool.

"Good evening papa, this is my friend, Antonito Gamboa III. Mi padre, Juancho Luis Martinez."

"Good evening young man, welcome to our home."

"Good evening sir, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Drop the formalities, call me tito. And thank you for bringing my daughter home."

"You're always welcome tito."

"Join us for dinner, I won't take no for an answer."

"OK po." he said.

"Cie Cie, can you lead him to the lanai? I'm taking the babies for a walk."

"Yes papa, where is mama and the boys?"

"The boys are in their rooms, while you're mama is in the kitchen, giving orders as usual." her father winked.

Tonz sat at the lanai, a maid served him an iced tea. He stood up when Tita Elena came.

"Hi Tonz! I hope you like japanese food, my husband is craving for sushi."

"Good evening tita, here is a cheesecake, Jacinda said you'll like it."

"Thank you, you're so thoughtful like your mama. I also loved the napoleones."

"Good to hear that po, I'll tell mom you liked it."

"Where's Cie Cie by the way?"

"She said she needs to freshen up."

"I see. Dinner is at 7 P. M., I'll just ask the driver to drive you home later, you're not used to the roads here."

"Thank you tita."

Dinner was also a casual affair, except that a Japanese sushi master prepared it in the Martinez's kitchen. Jacinda's dad is a surprise. He's very outgoing and loves to tease his wife and children. No wonder, Cie Cie got a high standard when it comes to men and dating. Her brothers on the other hand, are both fine young gentlemen.

"Jared, the Tetangcos are asking if you can be part of the 18 roses of Felicity."

"Can I think about it papa?Felicity and I aren't exactly on good terms."

"Really? But she was your date last prom right?" her mom asked in concern.

"Can we talk about this later?" her dad butted in.

"So Tonz, how was your Christmas vacation?" Elena asked, changing the topic.

"It was really good tita, I enjoyed being with my family, and I also get to visit my highschool and other hangouts."

"You must really miss home no? I heard that you play football, is that true?" Juancho asked.

"Yes sir, I do miss home. I was a goalkeeper po."

"Do you also try other sports? Golf perhaps?"

"Yes sir, I'm also into diving and basketball, and my old man taught me to swing."

"Nice, if you're not so busy, maybe you'd like to try the course here."

"Thank you for the invitation tito."

Tonz felt relieved, the dinner went well, and he has a standing invitation for golf. Maybe he should practice, so that he won't be a hacker in tito Juancho's eyes.

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