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Meanwhile, the gate was guarded several Tengus as Arthur took down all of them.

" All clear." Arthur said as Blake, Tori, Adam, Kira and Tommy were entering the gates.

" All Tengus are everywhere." Adam said.

" Looks like we have no other choice. We need to destroy each four statues so that the force field will fade away." Tommy said.

" Let's destroyed four statues." Tommy said.

Meanwhile, at Goldar Imperium is at the nearby forest, Yoko, Alex, Sheila and David were tied as Goldar Imperium and his men were ready for continuation in draining their powers. Suddenly, Arthur attacked Goldar from behind.

" Who are you?!" Goldar Imperium said.

" I am their leader." Arthur said as he freed his teammates.

" You saved us Arthur." Yoko said.

Now Arthur and his team were turning their attention to Goldar Imperium.

" You must be Goldar Imperium." Arthur said. " The one who brought back Lord Zedd, who turned out to be a monster clone."

Later, Tommy, Adam, Kira, Tori, Blake and Hunter showed up.

" You must be Goldar Imperium." Tommy said. " You looked different from the last time I fought you many years ago."

" It's been a while Tommy." Goldar Imperium said.

" Looks like we have to morphed." David said.

Arthur and his team were about to morphed.

" It's Ranger Time: Prism Power Unleashed!" Arthur, Yoko, Alex, Sheila & David were both said.

Arthur morphed into Prism Knight Red Ranger.

Yoko morphed into Prism Knight Yellow Ranger.

David morphed into Prism Knight Black Ranger.

Sheila morphed into Prism Knight Blue Ranger.

Alex morphed into Prism Knight Green.

" It's Morphing Time: Dragon Zord!" Tommy said as he morphed into Mighty Morphin Green Ranger.

" It's Morphing Time: Mastodon!" Adam said as he morphed into Mighty Morphin Black Ranger.

" Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!" Tori said.

" Thunder Storm, Ranger Form!" Huntee and Blake were both said.

Tori morphed into Blue Wind Ranger.

Hunter morphed into Crimson Thunder Ranger.

Blake morphed into Navy Thunder Ranger.

" Dino Thunder, Power Up!" Kira said as she morphed into Yellow Dino Ranger.

" Whoa Arthur, are there other power rangers?" Prism Knight Yellow said.

" Our reinforcements." Prism Knight Red said.

" Let's get them." Navy Thunder Ranger said.

Suddenly, Jason attacked Goldar Imperium from behind.

" Goldar Imperium. This is just like Goldar Maximus, you must be related to the other Goldar that I fought many years ago." Jason said.

" I'm more powerful thar the previous ones." Goldar Imperium said.

" It's Morphing Time: Tyrannosaurus!" Jason said as he morphed into Mighty Morphin Red Ranger.

" Tommy. You go after Lord Zedd Clone, I'll hold him off for awhile." Mighty Morphin Red Ranger said.

" Right Jason." Mighty Morphin Green Ranger said as he, Adam and the Prism Knight Rangers were rushed off while Kira, Tori, Blake and Hunter were stay behind and help Jason fighting Goldar and his Tengus.

Later, Tommy and the others encountered Lord Zedd, this time he is under the name Lord Zedd Imperium.

" Lord Zedd!" Mighty Morphin Green Ranger said.

" It's Lord Zedd Imperium." Lord Zedd Imperium said. " I can take down all of you."

Lord Zedd Imperium brought out the army of Tengus as Arthur, Tommy and Adam were started fighting Lord Zedd Imperium while the other four Prism Knight Rangers were dealing with the other Tengus.

Outside of the base, it is Goldar Imperium is the only one left as Jason, Tori, Hunter, Blake and Kira are trying to take him down.

" Looks like you're the only one left." Crimson Thunder Ranger said.

" I can take you all!" Goldar Imperium said.

Suddenly, Leo, Cassie and TJ are coming out of the portal.

" Go, Galactic!" Leo said as he morphed into Red Galaxy Ranger.

" Let's Rocket!" Cassie and TJ were both said.

Cassie morphed into Pink Space Ranger.

TJ morphed into Blue Space Ranger.

The three rangers attacked Goldar Imperium.

" You mean ten against one." Blue Space Ranger said.

" I can destroyed you all in the honor of Lord Zedd's leadership!" Goldar Imperium said.

" Bring it on creep." Pink Space Ranger said.

" Let's take him down." Red Galaxy Ranger said.

Now the ten retro rangers were started fighting Goldar Imperium.

Meanwhile, Tommy, Adam and the Prism Knight Rangers were fighting Lord Zedd Imperium.

" You rangers are no match for me." Lord Zedd said. " But I will destroy you Tommy Oliver."

" Bring it on Zedd." Mighty Morphin Green Ranger said.

Power Rangers Prism Knights (2021) 1: Zedd's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now