Its time

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The instant Nicole grabbed Arthur's arm she fell into a void of intricate memories, every detail, he remembered but she had an idea of what she was looking for. The boy that disappeared, Tristin.

"You keep acing you tests arthy! You need to teach me too!" Said a young boy around 9 with neat blonde hair.

"I don't how to teach you Tristin! I just... Study" Arthur replied.

"You're joking! He's joking right eddy?" Tristin said turning to the baby in a craddle and poking its cheaks.

"You're gonna make him cry again!" Arthur said moving to look over the baby himself.

"He won't cry! He's a good boy!" Said Tristin, jinkcing the baby into a loub wail.

"No, no!" He said trying to calm the baby down.

"Told you so!" Arthur said with the smirk he still had.

Nicole felt Arthur push her arm away in real life, she instantly bit the hand the she felt pushing hers. Another blend of memories, she's not just looking for Tristin what happened in his last moments?

"Guys! I'm telling you this thing actually works!" Tristin said holding up the key.

"Don't fake a cursed family heirloom Tristin!" Minerva said tatoos, crop top, piercings and all.

"I'm not!! Tell them Arthy!"

"It actually did open the door guys, an old rusty door with termites on the left top corner but still" Arthur replied smiling.

"You and you obessesion with creepy details" Rachel said running her fingers through the blond hair.

Nicole froze, her mom, was right in front of her. Of course she couldn't see Nicole buy she stood there every bit as pretty as grandma told her. She felt like crying but couldn't, she was in someone else's memory.

'Need to go slightly later' Nicole thought and let the wave of memories flood again, she didn't have time. Then she spotted it, Erik's basement.

The place was more lit and everyone were gathered down there

"Tristin! Stop it!" Rachel exclaimed, as Tristin pinned Drake to the floor.

Minerva jumped inbetween both of them but Tristin was like a wild dog.

"What is wrong with you!?" She said pushing him away forcefully.

"Tell him. To give it to me" Tristin said putting out his palm.

"You're acting crazy, he was just joking about not giving you the key!" Henry said.

"I don't care! Give it to me"

"Tristin, you don't seem to be acting like yourself... Limited exposure might be better" Arthur began only to be cut off by a blood curling scream from Tristin. He eyes blood shot and his veins poping out of his face he looked insane. A couple of years had passed between the two memories but he looked taller yet paler and weaker.

"Give it!"

"...leave him here till he calms down" Henry said walking out the door.

"Dude the pipes are pretty busted here he could do something" Rachel asked Henry.

"No biggy, its not even connected to my house! Its some old renovation mistake I guess" he said as everyone walked out the door.

"Calm down Tristin! I'll come and get you in half an hour tops" Arthur said before closing the door behind him.

They heard Tristin wail and bang on the door and floors. 'The pipes' Nicole realised, were busted when they went to Erik's house. After about 15 minutes Arthur couldn't take it anymore and said he'll talk to Tristin . He went and opened the door to find Tristin... Nowhere. There was a bit of blood on the pipes but nothing.

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