On The Trail Of Trouble

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The train ride felt so long. They rushed to the hospital directly from the station. Leo's head ached as he thought up all the different scenarios. He saw his mother, leaning against a wall and starring into space. She looked calm, unlike the way she sounded on the phone.

'She didn't have tea...' Leo remarked to himself. He wasn't an idiot, he knew quite well that his mother could do rash things, especially if she hasn't had tea. She gets angry and aggressive without it but becomes extremely emotional with it. He spotted Luciana's parents sitting outside the door. Her mother sniffling and surrounded by tissues, while her father try's desperately to console her.

Leo made his way towards Minerva, followed closely by Nicole and Erik.

"Is Candace okay?" Leo asked the instant his mom spotted him.

"She's fine, just in shock."

"Luciana?" Nicole asked.

"She had a concussion and needs a few stitches on the left side on her jaw, but other than that nothing."

"Jaw?" Nicole asked.

"Due to the impact of her fall," Minerva said barely interested.

"Is your mom in this hospital?" Minerva asked turning her attention to Erik, who was awkwardly pacing in the back.

"No... Why?" He said.

"Um, no reason," she said leaning back on the wall.

"You seem awfully interested, even though you don't help " Erik said.

Minerva broke into a half smile,"It's been a while since something interesting happened, and it's about time I had some fun," she said, turning and walking past the confused kids.

"Care to explain?" Erik and Nicole asked at the same time.

"Kids, just go study something, don't get nosy,"Minerva said waving her hand around, " oh and Leo,'she said swiftly turning. " Not a word to your father."


Candace came running to Leo when she saw him. Hugging his legs she cried her heart out, Leo consoled her and carried her around. Apparently she was locked in a cupboard for hours before Minerva showed up. Candace looked like a complete mess with bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. Leo causally joked around with her trying to cheer her up. The doctor wanted Candace to stay for a while since she was horrified of going back home. The police soon showed up in the hospital and questioned who ever they could. Candace ended up falling asleep on Leo's shoulder. Edwin Starr, the homocide detective incharge of Henry's case also showed up, just as Erik was leaving.

"Hello kids,"he said walking towards them.

"Detective Starr?? What are you doing here?" Erik asked.

"This robbery was quite close to the murder and there is a possibility that it was the same mugger."

"So you're saying my dad was robbed?" Erik asked.

"It is a possibility," he said slowly and kneeled down next to Candace and patted her head.

"Poor kid, take good care of her,"he said getting up.

"A word of advice, stay away from trouble, atleast for a while" he said.

"What do you mean by trouble?" Leo said.

Starr shrugged and walked towards Luciana's parents.

"I need to get going, it's been a while since I saw my mom" Erik said and left.

Nicole took the key out of her pocket and handed it to Leo.

"Keep it with you, I'm gonna go check up on Luciana" she said and went into Luciana's room.

Not long after that Leo's phone beeped loudly.

Jessica calling showed up on the screen.

"Hey Leo, I just heard about Lucy!! Is she ok? How's Candace? Which hospital are you at!?" She exclaimed the moment Leo picked up the phone.

"Calm down Jess, everyone is fine."

"Mmm... I'm not gonna take your word for that, I'll check with Nicole" she said.

"So any news?"

"Yes, quite a lot actually, I found out from Arthur's assistant that he studied at St. Emberal university, and I guess everyone else studied there"

" Yeah, that's my mom's college."

"Great, listen to this, my sister was supposed to go to that college last summer so she was digging up info and she showed me an article, I found it again and it says that 6 kids from that college tried to break into a house but was caught red handed. Even-though their faces were blurred out, your mom's tattoo and Arthur's jacket are pretty clear."

"........." Leo stayed silent

"So.... Now we know how they are connected?" She said making it sound more like a question than a statement.

"I guess we do, I need to ask my mom about this, don't I ?" He said.

"Yes you do, this is confusing as it is."

"Fine I'll talk to you later" Leo said and dropped the call.

He let out a big sigh stirring Candace. Nicole came out of the hospital room looking slightly confused.

"Jessica just called me. " she said

" Oh."

"I can't believe this" she said sitting down. Of course she couldn't believe it, Leo thought, who would have thought that Minerva had a prison record!

"How can our finals be in two weeks?!?" She said breaking Leo's trail of thought.

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"Didn't Jessica tell you?" She asked, Leo shook his head, stupid Jessica always forgetting things of great importance.

"Better hit the books" Leo said getting up, completely forgetting about Candace, who fell to the side , woke up in a jolt and started yelling at Leo while Nicole laughed heartily.


HEY!!! =D

I'm so sorry for this late update and short chapter, I'll be consistant from now on I promise.

Summer vacation is on!!! HOORAY!! so I'm going to edit all the previous chapters, if you have any suggestions that I should remember while editing, please PM me or leave it in the comments.

We have reached over 7000 reads!!!!!! =D I am so happy!!

Thank you so much for reading and waiting.


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