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Clarisse dragged Nicole all the way to the table. Candace and Leo lay with their heads resting on the table unmoving. Candace had pie all over her face, and Leo had a hand on her back. Clarisse made Nicole sit on her chair and tied her hands and feet to the chair. She did the same with Candace and Leo but additionally duct tapped their mouths. She then walked into the kitchen, as if nothing happened and hummed an unfamiliar song. A few minutes passed and Nicole felt the numbness fade.

"Whhasss gong ohn!?" She asked trying her best to speak.

"Ah! Great you can speak, it's such a pain acting like a loner" Clarisse said.

"I'm sure you understood my question loud and clear, where is the key?"

"What are you talking about!?" Nicole noticing that Leo and Candace were also up.

"Honey, don't play dumb with me, please! I'm trying to be nice"

"Let me go!" She said struggling.

Nicole felt something hot on the nap of her neck, something extremely hot. She started screaming and noticed that it was a burning hot iron spoon.

"I told you, to answer me"Clarisse said.

"I don't know, I don't know, honest" Nicole said tears streaming down her face.

"Then who is it with?"

"I... I...." She stammered.

"Bad girl, stammering isn't very nice"Clarisse said pressing the spoon against her arm.

The noise of Leo's chair falling interrupted Clarisse, "Trying to be a hero, are we?"

She picked up his chair and stared straight at him,"I'm very sweet to Nicole, if you annoy me I won't be nice to you"

She took his duct tap off,"so can you be quicker about this, where is the key??" She asked.

"Why do you want it? How do you even know about it?"

"Leo I'm not dumb enough to give you more information, you are in no place to ask me questions"

"Nicole doesn't know where I left it, and unless you answer me, I'm not answering you" he said firmly.

"Oh please, even if your little sister cries?" She said, placing the spoon on Candace's cheek, she kicked and screamed through the duct tap.

"Stop it!" Nicole cried.

"Hurting her isn't gonna make me tell you" Leo said calmly.

"Somebody is good at bluffing"

"I'm not bluffing, you know me Clarisse, I can be very, very stubborn" Leo said looking her straight in the eye, "and besides, I thought you would be more interested in the secrets we have uncovered with that key"

Clarisse fell silent for a moment, contemplating her answer,"Fine, tell me then"

"I will"


Erik was spending the weekend at Blake's house. Blake, Erik's best friend, was one of the richest people in town, being the mayor's son and all. Their house was huge with its own swimming pool, where Erik and Blake spent most of their time.

"Luciana needs to be careful!" Blake whined to Erik.

"You are being far too protective Blake, she's fine as things are!"

"But see... Don't jump into the water when I'm talking to you!!"

Erik slowly swam across, it had been so long since his last peaceful swim. Even with Blake yelling it seems to be calmer, his mind was more at peace. The key that Leo gave him was safe inside a locked drawer in his house. Just as he finished his final lap he began to feel uneasy. He tried to brush of the uneasiness taking it as the big Mac he ate before the swim.

"That burger was such a bad idea" he said getting out of the pool.

He looked over at Blake, only to find him fast asleep on the chair. Erik tried to make himself comfortable by lying down, but it didn't help. His head kept spinning. Just as he was about to finally doze off his phone rang.


"Is this Erik?" said a woman's voice.


"I need to meet!"

"What? who is this?"

"It's Minerva, Leo's mother"

"Huh?!" Erik said shocked.

"Have you seen Leo?!" she asked.


"Dammit! listen up boy, meet me at the town library in 10 minutes! Do not be late!" she said and cut the phone, leaving Erik confused and to cover a half an hour trip in 10 minutes

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