A Shocking Spell

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"SPIRIT!" Phantom calls. He takes a step from his position but immediately rethinks it.

"Where is she?" The witch demands, a fearsome yet somber glare smarkles in her eye, and the dragon complies with her demand.

"Why not tell her, my king? If you speak of my sister and her new pet then you'll be glad to know they're right behind him." The prince howls.

The witch's eyes dart towards the king, her mouth opens to say something but she quickly closes it again. His eyes look tired but determined. A smile pinches his face and the witch sighs. "I told you to quit it with those nonsense fake smiles. If you're sad, you're sad. If you're tired, you're tired. So why don't we show this bitch how tired we are of his bull shit? And I want my book back too."

The king looks at her with a raised brow, but he quickly pulls himself together, first into a smirk, then a frown. "Just this once." He states, and quickly takes a shot at the beast. "You protect Kit and Dora. I'll deal with the overgrown lizard."

She opens her mouth to spit an insult but he's already flown over to Aragon before she's able to argue. "Shit king. What? Does he think a girl couldn't take down a dragon?" She carefully rushes over to the two, making sure to land carefully on the invisible steps laid out for her. It's not long before she's putting up a thicker barrier and huddling around the shrubbery. "Are you okay?" She asks with thick brows folded into worry.

"For now," Dora exhales and stares past the witch, looking directly at Prince Aragon.

"So who's he? Cause last time I checked, dragons talk. But this is the ghost zone so..." Spirit lets her bitter words trail off, but at the look on Dora's face, she takes a moment to breathe with her.

"Look," Spirit starts off, "Whoever that guy is, he won't hurt you as long as I'm here. As long as Kit is with you, I'm with you. But if she's not with you...." Again her words trail off. The shaken medieval woman stares at her, then laughs.

"When word got out that a witch was brought here, I never imagined she was going to be so blunt. It's rather amusing," she sputters and attempts to hide her laugh behind her fist. "So what's the plan?"

Spirit ponders the idea, then smirks. A twin smile appears on Kit's face and the three begin to work something out as the battle continues behind them, between King Phantom and Prince Aragon.

"Give up now, mortal. You are not fit to rule and you know it. So why not hand over the palace to me." Aragon's lizard eyes flash with a red hot fiery fury. Flying high above the palace they exchange attacks.

"You've never had the right to rule and you know it." The Ghost King snarls, blasting a surge of ice into Aragon's mouth. The beast snaps his jaw shut and the ice breaks away.

Shards of glass like ice fall out of the sky and towards the two women and child. The new aquamarine and slime green dragon flies below the fight, dodging stray attacks, popsicles, and over cooked baseballs as they come their way. Spirit keeps Kit in place in front of her, just tilting her enough so she can have a clear shot.

"Ready?" The mother asks. Kit gulps and sharply nods, but her gut falls. "You okay?" Her mother's voice wavers, questioning if this is the best thing to do. She sighs, and at the look on the feline troll's face, she decides. "This is dangerous. I'm not sure if you can do it, but I know you'll do well. Okay? So just focus on aiming."

The troll nods, her nose contorts at the odd words of her mother but she does as she instructs. Focusing on her intent and aim, she shuffles the deck. The words of a spell come to mind, and the first card she pulls out is the image of a man upside down. "Hanged Man, give him your weakness, make it our strength, force him on his knees and let him take the bait." The words fly out of Kit's mouth and before she knows it, the card glows yellow then green. The image on the card floats off it and towards the ash colored dragon. A surge of energy flies after the image and causes it to fly faster, till it finally lands gently on the belly of the beast.

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