This Is Gonna Suck

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It was a normal Thursday evening Emily was at her desk doing paperwork, The kids were in Garcias room doing school. All that peacefulness soon came to an end when JJ came rushing through giving them the "Its Bad look". 

"Briefing room now," hotch said barely taking time to stop.

All the agents rushed to the room and got seated.

"Where Garcia?" JJ questioned. 

" I think she's comi-" Emily was interrupted by the colorful woman.

"I'm here I'm here," Garcia said walking in with a baby in one hand and two kids following her. 

"Henry, River Take Micheal and go to my office," JJ said with a slight smile.

after the kids left she started.

"These are Erica and Jamie, Ali and Hannah, and Noah and Derek. They are all Gay couples getting murdered. As you can see the woman is tortured and brutally killed. The men are just killed" JJ said.

"Okay since it's local, Emily and Derek go check out the crime scenes, JJ and Reid get everything set up, Rossi you and I will go check The victim's bodies out," Hotch said.

Derek's POV

The way there Emily was silent. I've never seen her like this it was like she is beating herself up inside.

"Em," I said.

She looked over at me and I could tell she was about to cry.

"Hey what's wrong," I said pulling over.

"They were kids getting killed because of who they love it's not fair," She said as she burst into tears.

I pulled her into a hug. I knew it was something deeper than that but I didn't ask. We sat there for 10 minutes before she spoke again.

"Morgan I don't know why this case is affecting me so much," she said wiping her tears away.

"it's because you're a mom now, well let's just say your cold black heart is now warm with love Morticia Adams," I said trying to lighten the mood.

We pulled out and we started discussing the case. When we got there I noticed someone well two someones and it made my stomach turn. 

"oh god, what are they doing here," Emily said noticing too.

"Emily what are you doing here," The lady Asked.

"Mother I work here," Emily said grabbing gloves and walking right past her.

I awkwardly followed Emily.

"Why are they here," Emily asked again.

I guess she didn't notice Elizebeth behind her and nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Emily Elizabeth Prentiss if you're going to ask questions ask me. I am here because I'm working with the bau" Elizebeth said.

" I Don't mean to intrude but what's the deal with your mom and you," I asked when she walked away. 

"a lot of shit which it's really none of your business," Emily said.

"I'll take that as she hurt you but your compartmentalizing s-" 

"Stop profiling me baldy," She said smiling.

"we good or do you need a kiss," Emily asked in the most serious tone.

"I take that kiss," I said.

She grabbed my head and gave me the sloppiest kiss on my cheek. 

"EMILY I DIDNT MEAN LITERALLY" I yelled pushing her off.

Emily Prentiss  secret daughterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum