New Room, New Me

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Rivers POV

I woke up and Emily was still asleep I cuddled back up to her and silently cried. "Hey don't cry what's wrong," Emily said waking up. "I don't know," I said crying more. Emily sat up and pulled me onto her lap and held me wrapped my arms around her neck. "I had a dream a bad one (TRIGGER WARNING DO NOT READ IF you're EASILY TRIGGERED) it was about me getting raped I didn't listen to you and I got kidnapped I'm sorry I didn't listen, "I said crying. " Hey hey it wasn't real you didn't do anything wrong, okay you're fine your safe I've got you," Emily said. I picked my head up off her chest. "can we still go to the mall" I asked smiling. " yea" Emily said kissing the top of my head. we went to take a shower. I got out and put on a long sleeve oversized t-shirt with black leggings and my checkered vans. I walked out and saw Emily in black skinny jeans and a pink/purplish long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up with black boots on. "wow know I know where I get my looks from" I said laughing. "yea you definitely got them from me" Emily said laughing. we left the house and got in the car we were listening to music until Emily got a call. "Prentiss" emily said answering her phone. "Hey its Garcia are you going to the mall by any chance today" garcia asked.

Emily POV

"hey Garcia," I said. "hey Prentiss and miny Prentiss if you can hear me," Garcia said which made river smile. "yea she can hear you do we have a case," I asked laughing seeing rivers face turn red from embarrassment. "no I'm going to the mall I was wondering if you wanted to come with," Garcia asked. "were going there now do you wanna ride with us," I asked. " what car are you in," Garcia asked which made me laugh. " The SUV," I said. " oh good the other ones to tall" Garcia said. "ok were at your house," I said. " okay ill be out in a sec," Garcia said. Garcia got in the car and we went to the mall. "Okay, what are we getting Prentiss," Garcia asked. "I have no clue," I said shrugging. " okay um bed," Garcia asked. " should arrive today," I said. " cloths shoes decor and entertainment," Garcia asked. " Which is closer," I asked. " clothes," Garcia said. "Okay, so clothes it is," I said. we went and got everything but a tv. " Hey river you want to go get ice cream with Penelope," I asked. she shook her head and they left. " Hey em" I heard a males voice yell i turned around to see hotch. " Hey I didn't know the unbreakable tomboy Emily Prentiss went shopping were mini you at," hotch said laughing. "Were shopping for her new room and shes with Penelope getting ice cream" i said. "oh" he said.

Hotch's POV

" um if you were a kid who watched your mom be killed and just moved in with your bio mom what type of phone would you want," Emily asked. "I wouldn't want one but jack has an iPhone 8 plus" I replied. " okay but like what's the difference you know what never mind I'm getting this one," Emily said confused which made me laugh. "now what do you have to get," I asked. " a tv and an Xbox," Emily said. " Emily your spending way too much on her," I said concerned. " I know but I feel bad" Emily replied. "ugh kiddo no matter how much you spend on her she will always love you," I said patting Emily's shoulder. " I know but I'm still getting the Xbox I wanna play, "Emily said laughing. " You and Derek were always the playful ones," I said laughing. I said hello to River and I left the mall.

Rivers POV
"I'm sleepy" I said walking twirls Emily and wrapping my arms around her waist. "Okay love I have one more thing to get and we will be on our way" Emily said hugging me. "Okay" I said rubbing my eyes. Me and Garcia went and sat on the bench and waited for her. We left the mall and went in the car I fell asleep while Emily and Garcia were putting up the stuff they bought. "Hey baby wake up monkey"Emily said putting her hand on my lap. "Five more minutes" I asked which made her laugh. " sweetie we're just going inside" Emily said cracking up. I got up and Emily guided me into the house but I fell asleep on the wall waiting for her to unlock the house. *Emily laughing* Emily picked me up like a baby and carried me to her room. She lays me on the bed but I wouldn't let go of her shirt. "Let go girl you have a tight grip" Emily said trying to wiggle free. I let go and scooted over for Emily to get in. She was gonna read a book but as soon as she say don't I climes in her lap and layer my head don her shoulder.

I woke up still on Emily's chest. I stretched and groaned as I rolled off her. "Hey" Emily said leaning over smiling. "Hey" I said smiling back. "You wanna help me set up your room" Emily asked. I shook my head we went to the garage and to get all the bags which was a lot. "Wooooowwww you got me a iPhone and a Xbox" I said in awe. "Yea you like it" she asked looking scared. I ran up to her.

Emily's POV

She ran up and hugged me which made me sigh in relief. "Okay all we have is one more bag and I think that is the clothes I got for you" I said . We went through everything and put stuff up. She fell asleep again on her bed. I got in bed with her kissed her on her cheek and went to leave but she had a tight grip on my shirt and she wasn't letting go. I turned off the light and went to bed with her.

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