4) Curiosity

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*Artemis's pov*

I woke up and looked around realizing that I'm one the couch or my bed and I smiled as I got up and returned to my normal size. I looked in Davis's room and sure enough Davis was awake and reading while Ronin was asleep.

I smiled as I ran off my tail swung behind me as my claw like bare feet hit the ground. I ran to Rikku's place which is full of potions. I knocked on the door and Rikku opened the door. I gave my greetings and went inside. Actually I wanted to talk to her about something.

"Ok so I was thinking it's been a long time since we've seen humans right?" I said and Rikku nodded.

"This idea has been on my mind for a while but what if we go see them!" I said cheerfully.

"But isn't like that illegal?" Rikku said

"Who said it was illegal. It's not recommended but it's not illegal." I said and Rikku though about it.

"What about you. They'll know your a creature just looking at you. I'm human looking enough changing my clothes just a bit would make me look like one of them." Rikku said and I looked down.

"Um that's why I came to you. Do you know a recipe for maybe illusions or something?" I asked and Rikku smiled and her chuckle turned into a laugh.

"Jeez this is a risky idea." She said as he shuffling through a few of her boxes.

"So you have something?" I asked.

"Yup but even if we use this your covering your mouth and your going to wear a cloak." Rikku said and I nodded.

I went through the boxes of clothes she had and I pulled a couple things out and I grabbed the sewing kit I left in here and started patching it up and making it pretty while Rikku worked on something. I usually have my sewing stuff in Rikku's witch hut because we hangout a lot together and Shizu also comes here often.

I smiled at my finished product and I put it on before grabbing a mask and slipped it over my head before pulling it up over my mouth and nose. I looked at Rikku who set down the potion and pulled up my hoodie and then looked and me and nodded.

"It'll work if the potion wears off and we need to suddenly leave." Rikku said as she grabbed the potion and gave it me.

"So your in?" I asked pulling down the mask and Rikku pulled out another potion probably back up.

"Yup let's go. Realize that your shadowing us in because we both know that Ronin will catch us in no time." Rikku said and I nodded before focusing.

The shadows came up and enveloped both of us and I held Rikku's hand as I walked through the shadows. We passed the borders and I continued to walk till we ended up at the edge of the forest and I pulled both of us out of the shadows. Rikku took a deep breath and laughed a bit.

"That's the first time I've actually been in the shadows. That was weird." Rikku said and I chuckled

"Ya it's totally new for you but it's like normal for me." I said and Rikku smiled at me.

I drank the potion and we waited for five minutes before Rikku gave me a thumbs up. I looked down at myself and I saw human feet. Well I had human feet they are just usually black with claws for toes, which is why I don't wear shoes.

I pulled my mask up and Rikku stopped me before putting a bag over me to make me look more of a traveler then anything. We waited for a moment before fitting ourselves into the crowd of people that seemed to be going through the open gates of the kingdom. I held Rikku's hand and I could tell both of us are nervous.

We got out of the crowd as soon as possible and we looked around and I was so amazed by everything and my eyes only left the surrounding when Rikku had me pull up the hoodie and we walked around.

I had my tail in my pants which I will admit it's the most comfy but if it meant I could see the human kingdom I would suck it up. We walked into the what I would assume it the shopping center and I saw so many things I didn't think I would find so very cool.

"This place is so cool." I said and I saw Rikku smile as me before we bumped into someone and took a couple steps back and I looked at the burly man before us, he didn't look happy.

"Hey watch it!" He yelled and I made a small bow.

"I'm terribly sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said and the guy huffed as he looked back at his shopping item.

"Let go." Rikku said and I followed quickly behind.

"That was scary." I said

"Ya maybe we should avoid big crowds." Rikku said and I nodded before a bunch of people ran past us and went into a formed line bowing.

I looked over to see a couple of people in suits of iron and someone else who wore really fancy things.

I couldn't continue to look when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked over at a woman who was holding some medicines.

"I recommend you bow. That's the king of the kingdom." She said and me and Rikku bowed as they got close.

"Thank you miss for telling us." Rikku said

"It's no problems also call me Venus." She said

"Nice to meet you." I said before she had us go quiet.

The royal family passed us and Venus waved slightly at a yellow and orange haired kid who smiled and waved back before moving again.

"That's prince Shino I see him often in my medical office when winter comes around. Can't stay inside that boy...you two can come with me." Venus said and I looked at Rikku.

I didn't feel threatened by Venus so I nodded and Rikku smiled.

"Ok, but we'll probably leave soon." Rikku said and I nodded.

"That's ok. I'm sure outside people have their places they need to be at." Venus said and we followed her away from the crowd and into some alley ways till we got to a less busy road and we went into a build that had a plus sign on it with the words medical care.

"This place is confusing to navigate." I said

"It must be." Venus said closing the door and had us take a seat as she set down her herbs.

"So may I ask what brings young creatures all the way to town?"

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