7) Kingdom Leaders

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*Ronin's pov*

I got to the castle gates and started to walk twords them, the guards when they saw me and Avian stiffened. The gates were lowered so my guard went up. It's unusual for the gates to open like that especially for someone like me.

I walked in and soon enough I was inside the castle and at a pair of huge doors and I glared as I grabbed and shoved one door making it swing almost off it's hinges. I could tell Avian was scared slightly.

As I walked in I met eyes with three shocked and scared looking kids, a calm woman, and of course the king himself. The king looked familiar but I couldn't grasp why.

"So, your the leader?" The king asked and I chuckled.

"Yes I am, now where's my kid." I said glaring.

"Calm down he's fine." The king said

"Uh huh I'll only believe that when I see him." I growled before it was silent then a chuckle.

"You haven't changed much huh. Ronin." I blinked shocked at first, but then it clicked as the king took off his visor thing.

"Angelo." I said getting a happy feeling inside but I kept it inside.

"Indeed. Looks like we meet again after all these years." Angelo said and I stopped using my quirk letting my hair turn back into it's natural color.

"Ya, but I'll only chit chat with you when I see Artemis." I said before I heard tapping, I looked over at the kids in guard clothes walking next to Artemis who had his leg in a cast. He was using these I'm assuming special made wood sticks to balance himself as he walked.

"Artemis." I said and Artemis froze and looked at me before looking down, Avian walked over to him and picked up Artemis and walked back over to me and set him down gently.

"Hey, look at me." I said and Artemis did with a very nervous look.

"Look I'm not angry, I'm just a bit upset, but I can also understand why you did this. Now promise me if you ever pull something like this again at least let me know so I can watch over you ok. I know your a lot more adventurous then the others." I calming spoke as Artemis nodded and I smiled before picking him up and he rested his head on my shoulder

"Also shrink down I'll be easier to take you back" I said and Artemis shrunk down surprisingly the cast shrunk as well.

"Woah." I looked up to see an yellow haired kid.

"This must be you first time seeing us." I said and he looked up.

"It's most of these kids first time. Also Ronin have you found a partner for yourself?" Angelo said and I rolled my eyes.

"No and I'm not getting one." I said

"Dad had someone but that didn't go well." Artemis said and I sighed.

"Wait dad?" Angelo asked

"Adopted. Artemis is the last of his kind within our village." I said setting him on my shoulders because he's a toddler size.

"Hmm also Venus what are you doing?" Angelo asked and I looked over and Avian who was standing next to a woman hugging her a bit.

I looked her up and down and I sighed with a realization. It was kinda forbidden, but I don't see a problem with it if they love each other they love each other.

"Nothing." Venus said

"That's an obvious lie." Angelo said

"Avian I want an explanation when you get back." I said as it turned around and started walking.

"Leaving already?" Angelo said

"I would stay longer for a chit chat but I have a child back in the village who is worried about Artemis and I'd like to make it so they don't have to worry more then needed" I said

"Your leaving me here?" Avian said

"What do you not want me to? Also I'm not good with your type of situation." I said and Avian groaned.

Avian said something to Venus and then ran over to me and I smiled as I took Artemis off my shoulders and held him while Avian carried the supports that Artemis had.

"It was nice seeing you. Angelo." I said and I activated my quirk and ran leaving the building, Avian glided behind me.

Artemis hugged me and I kept him close to my body for his safety as we got outside and jumped roofs until we got to the wall, which I jumped over and into the forest. Avian flew high into the sky avoiding people's attention.

I sighed as I slowed down. I looked down at Artemis who still looked sad or at least a little bit sad but I can't blame to the kid. I'll just have to watch him better for the next couple of weeks.

*Angelo's pov*

I was so distracted by Ronin leaving I didn't see Venus leave and sighed knowing I wasn't going to get an answer for why Venus hugged the bird person.

Kol, Colin, Alexander and Shino were all talking about Ronin and Artemis and the bird person. Yes Alexander and Colin returned from visiting Venus

"Congrats you four, you got to meet the person that helped me make the treaty so stop the war." I said and Shino looked at me.

"That was honestly really cool. He seems chill." Kol said

"I'm happy that he wasn't mad at the little creature." Alexander said

"It's sad knowing that he's the last of his kind." Shino said

"In that village. Outside the village there might be a lot of them." I said

"True but did you see how he shrunk in size?" Colin said with excitement in his voice.

"That was actually pretty cool." Shino said with a smile.

"If you kids want, go out and tell your friends about it." I said and Shino smiled grew bigger.

"I'm telling Blake!" Shino said taking a head start running twords the doors that I geuss I'll have to make sure are fixed.

"Then I'm telling Aurora and Aries!" Kol said running after Shino.

"Have a good rest of the day sir." Alexander said with a bow before running after them and Colin huffed and ran after them before Alexander

"Wait up guys! I wanna tell someone about this!" Alexander said as he ran.

I smiled before leaving to my office. Well at least I know I don't have to worry much about there being a huge conflict between my kingdom and the creature village.

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