5) They Know

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*Venus's pov*

I looked at the new two shocked children and the taller one started to back away so I stepped back and he stopped.

"I assure you your secrets safe with me." I said and they looked at each other before noticing that the covered up child had his feet reverting back to it's normal look.

"How did you know?" The girl said and I smiled before sitting down.

"Because I know one. He secretly comes here to see me. Most of the time I go out there." I said and the girls eyes widened.

"Avian. He always comes by my shop and asks for a potion that can hid his wings." The girl said and I chuckled and the boy stepped forward a bit.

"Yup. So what are your names?" I asked and they looked at each other.

"I'm Rikku."

"I'm Artemis."

I smiled and nodded at them before getting up and I have them move and hid them under the counter as royal guards came in.

"Hey Venus, we need your help, again." Colin said as Flex came in but he was an ice blob again and I sighed as I went to the fire place and grabbed the matches.

"Come on let's start the hot bath." I said and Flex followed me knowing fully well that it was Blake that did this.

I looked at Artemis and Rikku and held up a finger and they nodded. I entered the next room and started up the bath and lit a match and put it in the fire place that had charcoal under a bunch of rocks. It's affective to have hot rocks warm things up.

I left Colin and Flex in the room and when I went back to the counter I saw a note and the kids not there.

I picked up the note and frowned. Those kids are going to get caught if they aren't careful and people around these parts are very careful about observing people.

*3rd person*

Artemis and Rikku ran down the alleyways their main goal was to leave the kingdom. Artemis didn't want to use his quirk because he was still slight tired from the first time he used it and if he used it a second time for that kind of distance he would most likely be unable to help out and Rikku was still unable to fully control their quirk.

Artemis picked up the pace and Rikku called out to him but it was already to late. Artemis ran as he felt even more scared of being in the city until he ran into two people his hood fell off and his horns revealed themselves and both the people that saw Artemis were so much stronger then him and they growled when they saw the horns

Artemis freaked out more after realizing the hood was down and that Rikku wasn't in sight. Artemis looked up just in time to summon the shadows to come up as a barrier as the first big guy tried to punch him.

Rikku found the gates and quickly made her way through and as soon as she was out pulled on her broom necklace and a broom came to her hand and she got on it and focused her quirk and let her hands heat up just enough for her to take off into the woods. She knew Artemis was in danger and she needed Ronin.

Artemis tore down the alleyways no longer caring to keep the hoodie up and his tail wasn't hidden anymore as he needed a balance and he couldn't balance when it was hidden.

He changed his size and fit through a tight space coming out retuning to his normal size but as soon as he was about to run again he got grabbed and was brutal thrown threw the crowds of people and into a city center walking way.

People moved away and a circle was formed as the men came and Artemis got up and looked at them before getting hit him in the stomach making him fall to the ground. This commotion didn't of course go unnoticed as the King, prince and two young royal guards came to the circle. The king when we finally saw what was going on was furious.

Rikku landed and everyone looked at her before she yelled for Ronin. She yelled as walked exhausted from the flight which she was sure she would flunk but she didn't and she was happy about that.

Ronin got up and walked over to see who was calling his name. When he saw Rikku and the state they were in his eyes widened and he quickly got to her and caught her.

"Rikku what happened?" Ronin asked

"I'm sorry we should've listened. Please Artemis is still over there." Rikku said and Ronin's heart sunk.

"Someone take Rikku! I have to save Artemis." Ronin said before pulling out a vial of animal blood and quickly drank it before activating his quirk and bolted to Monarch Kingdom. He was not going to let anything happen to the kid. Not this way.

*Angelo's pov*

Anger won't describe the feelings I'm having as people moved and I looked at a one of the quickest house builders in the city holding down a child.

He didn't realize I was there and he pressed his foot down more and a painful yelp left the kids mouth before I lifted and stomped my foot on the ground catching everyone's attention.

"ARE YOU AN ABSOLUTE FOOL!?" I shouted and everyone took a step back. The builder looked at me shocked

"Y-your highness." The man said looking at me and I walked over and I made a signal and Kol and Flex pulled the man off the child and had him go on his knees facing me as his arms were tied around his back.

"You are an absolute fool. Do you not realize the dangers you have just put the entire kingdom into!?" I yelled and the man looked between me and the kid.

"But your highne-" I cut him off.

"YOU HAVE HURT A CREATURE CHILD! DO YOU NOT REALIZE THE DANGERS THIS BRINGS OUR KINGDOM!? As soon as the leader of the creatures finds out about this, that's it. I don't know if I can say we can keep peace with them. If war breaks out because of you-" I said then gave a groan pissed before I heard a whimper from the child in question.

His cloak was torn off him and his mask fell off his face as we all saw his horns and small wings his tail and feet and the black spots that were scattered on his body in a beautiful pattern. Shino was helping him up but the child yelped and fell down when he tried to put pressure on his leg.

"Someone get Venus." I said as Kol went to Shino and the creature.

"Also I want some guards to take this man and have him in the prison for a least a week. He needs to think about his actions. I'll see what I can do to make sure the peace remains for the better of both kingdom's." I said and I went over to the creature who looked very scared to be around all of us.

"Hey I promise we won't hurt you can we get your name?" I asked and a small wings on the creatures back moved away from his face tears formed in his eyes and I felt really bad.


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