Chapter 9 - One down, five to go!~

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*Changes writing style cutely* uwu

The others were shocked, a bad history was going on between them. They all looked towards Kageyama quickly, giving harsh glares once more.

"Wow, and here I thought you guys treat everyone equally...not really" The villain mumbled the last part.

"Anyways, since I've got you crows...I think I should stir up some trouble. Shouldn't I~" Everyone's attention went back to the man, who was now standing up, with wide eyes. They were the protectors of Miyagi, they shouldn't let some handsome villain run around spreading chaos. They all quickly attempted to get out of their chairs, but to no avail.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE YOU BITCH!" Kageyama yelled, the man swiftly turned his way. He gave off an even more murderous glare, scaring Kageyama out.

"I'm...the bitch? Ahahahaha!" He laughed.

"OH WOW! THE FUCKING SHITFACE, IS CALLING ME A BITCH!" Kageyama didn't like where this was going, this man is dangerous and should never be underestimated.

"I-i didn't m-mean it..." Karasuno was stunned, Kageyama never showed fear to another. Not even Daichi, their captain and one of the scariest members. This man surely is different than a low-life villain, he's an expert.

"You shitface, thinking just because you are a "hero" that you can say anything and think people will agree with you? Or that everyone loves you? Ha. are such a fucking idiot. People, they change. They're different in their on way, meaning they all don't think you're heroes." He made a lot of sense, Karasuno was mostly on the good side people but now knowing there is the opposite, it wasn't something they were used to.

"You guys are such a headache..." he sighed out.

"Tell me about it" Daichi thought.

"Alrighty then, I'm heading out! Wait here for me!" The man, so casually, walked out. Leaving all of them in the dark room with one window, alone.

"S-so...he just left us?"

"Um..yeah he did..." the room became silent, they didn't have any water nor food, no entertainment and no way of getting out. They didn't know where they were and their stuff was confiscated.

With the villain (Villain POV)

I jumped roof to roof, it was morning and I couldn't do much. The sun was up, I went into an alleyway and put on a disguise. I had lime green contacts, a white-to-black ombre wig and a dark blue shirt with long black jeans. To be a little extra, I got a tiny gadget that let's me change my voice, I put it in Lolita mode. Hahaha!

It was casual and I'm barely noticeable. I began walking around, seeing what I could do in the day until I came across a puddinghead. He was sitting a stray bench, with no one around.

"Is he waiting for someone?" I thought, I walked up to him.

"Hey there!" Damn, my voice is so high-pitched. The puddinghead looked at me, with such an expressionless face.

"First off, HOT. And second, isn't he Kozume Kenma? From Nekoma in fucking Tokyo? Why in the ever-loving fuck is he doing here?"

"Hey..." he said barely audible, I walked closer.

"He really is hot"

"What are you doing here alone?" He stayed silent, how annoying.

"...I'm waiting for someone..." I nodded my head understandably, he put his attention back to his phone. I looked over his shoulder, he was texting Tetsuro Kuroo. I could tell because he nicknamed him Kurooster. It was quite funny.

"What's your name? I'm Hatsuno Akei!" I could tell he hesitated to tell me his name, even if I already fucking knew.


"Just Kozume?" He looked at me straight in the eyes, startling me. His eyes were so piercing and cat-like, seems like he was trying to pry information out of me by looking into my eyes. That's how good his observation skills were.

"Good thing I've practiced for this" I easily acted to be a cheery yet sensitive guy, and it seemed to work because he looked back at his phone like he didn't care. Phew.

"So~ how long have you been here?" He growled under his breath.

"Pfft, he gets annoyed easily."

"A while."

"Damn, so dry. His attitude is so nice~"

"I'll stick with you then! Just until your friend arrives!" He nodded, not caring. I sat beside him, watching him play games.

Next Target: Nekoma~

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