Chapter 13 - A meeting?

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Hinata (villain) POV

Pumpkin had interrupted my monologue, disappointing but despite my hate for heroes I can still care, selectively.

"Meow" my little kitty sounded, I scratched behind their ear. I still haven't figured out Pumpkin's gender, but I feel like it'd be violating to.

"Eh, what the heck. Pumpkin, can you please lay on your back?" They stood still, I sighed, I didn't have the whole day. I carefully laid them on their back.

"You're a boy, but how old are you?" I kept trying to distinguish how to tell his age, but it was hopeless since I'm not a veterinarian. Might as well just go out in the morning, besides for now I should focus on Nekoma.

"Well, maybe I should interrogate Kozume for awhile to pry more info. Yep, good idea!" I carried Pumpkin to our new shared room and let him sleep, I slowly closed the door to not wake him. I then walked over to Kenma's own room, which wouldn't be just him soon.

"Hello there Kozume! How ya doing?" I called out, I obviously startled him. I held back my laughter, he returned to his stoic face but evident nervousness written all over it.

"So I've got questions and you better answer them, or else this pocket knife in my hands are going to have red all over." I grinned, oh this felt amusing to do!

"First question, why the fuck are you guys here in Miyagi?" He was hesitant, I raised the knife and he began to talk. Wow, new mechanism to force people!

"We were called for a meeting." He replied silently, was he hungry?

"What meeting? I'm interested to know more, Kozume." I lowered the knife and stuffed it in my pocket.

"All hero groups come over to Miyagi annually to present both our problems and accomplishments and aid Karasuno. Because they are considered the lowest group out of us." I scoffed at the accomplishments part but the rest was informative at the very least.

"Alright, next question. This relates to the last, which teams are coming exactly?"

"Aoba Johsai, Date Tech, Fukurodani and Johzenji. But mainly the leaders are advised to come."

"Then why bring majority of yours?"

"Security." I nodded, it was understandable considering the city we're in.

"Ooh! Do you know where Karasuno is, my dear Kozume?" I said in a tone and stood in a stance that obviously struck fear, but he had a puzzled look.

"In Miyagi?" Kozume said confusingly, I was going to burst out of laughter at this point which confused him more.

"Are they not? Nobody was known of this infor-" I couldn't hold it anymore, I cackled out surprising him.

"I have no idea why you're laughing, why ask me if you know?" I caught my breath still letting out little giggles, I glanced over to him.

"Would you like to see where they are?" He slowly nodded, I grinned widely.

Kozume POV

I didn't like the way he said that, but I wanted to see what he was hiding. He walked behind me and grabbed the chair and dragged me out of the room, I got a look of the building we were in. It wasn't much, it was dirty and definitely abandoned which is probably ideal. I saw there were stairs to a lower floor, I wondered what was down there but we suddenly stopped.

"Wait." The man behind me grinned sinisterly again, it had just clicked.

"Did you finally get it, Kozume?~" he put his hands on hips and faced me with the same grin but it was wider and his eyes, they pierced through me yet were filled with insanity.

"Well, don't you want to see your friends?~" He opened the door and dragged me in, they looked so dead.

"Heya! Look who I've got! Kozume Kenma!" He said in a cheery tone, it woke everyone up. They all had half or almost empty bottles of water in their hands, how come I never got anything.

"Kenma! Are you okay?!" The man, now beside me, only smiled at their pained faces. Shit, I've got to get out of here.

"I'm fine, but what about you guys?" Two of them shot up, one was bald and the other had spiky hair with a blond highlight.

"This monster has not given us any more food!" They glared at the man, he instantly frowned. He walked over to them and grabbed both their chins, they were obviously in pain with the way they looked and breathed.

"Listen you little shits, I could've let you starve and dehydrated but no I gave mercy and gave you food and bottles of water. Don't I deserve a thank you?" I was frozen with his assertive tone, he's horrifying.

"T-thank you..." they both stuttered out, he let go of their chins and returned to behind me and dragged me out.

"Hope you guys enjoyed your reunion, have fun!" He slammed the door shut and dragged me angrily back to my room. He pushed me into the room and I fell on the ground with a thud.

"Ow! Fucking shit..."

Hinata POV

I heard Kozume fall, it tugged a smile but I was still pissed. I went to pick him up but I stopped midway to see him attempt to get up on his own, so I let him. I sat on the ground infront of his because he was sideways, I tapped his nose and giggled. He looked very uncomfortable with and I loved it, I sat there watching him struggle until I got bored of it and did it myself.

"There, now I've got to run. See you in the morning!" I left the room to go my room and saw Pumpkin still sleeping, I smiled and climbed in bed with them.

I got good information today and got to even see a little reunion! Can't wait to capture the others.

(This is for you ICHICHANI ♡♡)

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