Chapter 23 - Sawamura Daichi

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I don't know if we died, fell unconsious, dreaming. How are they even doing this? What is this gas they suffocated us with?




"What's going on?! Why are you screaming?! Suga?" "Captain," what happened to him?! Why is he in pieces, why is he bleeding out?! I hear maniacal laughing in the distance, it's the silhouette of our kidnapper. He's holding something, which I suspect to be a knife, my heart is pounding and I'm just watching as my teammates fall down against this man.

"Are you proud, Sawamura? You've got tears," a hand caressed my wet cheek, it was his voice.

I tried to touch the hand on my cheek but all that was left was blood, my blood. My ears rang, then, only my heartbeat. My loud, thundering heartbeat. The piles of my bloodied friends, the psycho's piercing eyes, a dead Suga in my arms. "You failed as their captain, Sawamura," I look up, "your second in command, your best friend, Sugawara Koushi, how saddening is this to you? Having him dead, bruised, bleeding".

"Stop it, stop it!" My breath is shaky, my head hurts and, and.

The ringing, I know I'm still crying, my mouth hurts from me gritting. My nightmares, the nightmares, I hate it, I hate it. I want it to stop, but my mouth is too dry to even yell in pain. The ringing becomes louder, more unbearable.

I try to hold and grab at my ear, in an attempt to stop the ringing, but my arms are held down. What? I'm not tied up, am I?

My surroundings a black void of nothing, why can't I move my hands? Maybe if I struggle against this unidentifiable force, I can get out of this mindset. I tug at my arms, feeling a weight on them and I shake.

Oh, I'm still in the chair. We never got out, we are only dreaming. What are we supposed to do, how is everyone else doing?! Are they having their own nightmares?! I've got to get out of here! "Fucking hell, stop moving so much!" A hand clamped down on my head, I stopped. I'm scared of what they might do next, this nightmare gas is already enough for me to handle, barely.

How am I supposed to get out of this?...I am in absolute pain and he's thriving off it. Death is better than this torture, I need to GET OUT.

Aww, poor Karasuno. It's at least admiring to watch, glad you guys have stuck around this long :)

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