Part 31

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The after party was starting to pick up. It was being hosted by one of the fellowship members while their parents were away: it was at a grand-looking house not too far away from the Wesley's. More and more people were walking up the front path to enter, the upbeat music was flowing from the front windows, and the lights from inside were moving to the beat. It was getting dark now as the evening drew in, making the lights even more prominent. Inside people were dancing in small groups around the ground floor of the house, the drinks station in the kitchen was looking well used and food platters were being tucked into by everyone.

Sterling and Blair were walking along the road, almost at the party. "You got this" said Blair, feeling Sterling tense a little as they approached. She gave Sterling a hug as they walked, Sterling squeezed back. "Thanks. I just - I really hope it goes ok, you know. I don't want any fallout or for April to be hurt in any way".
"It's going to be fine. Times have changed. Homophobia is so 1995."

They turned to walk up the path, hearing the music and seeing the lights of the party. They walked in the open front door and headed to the kitchen. This was a great house, and it was a pretty busy party. Blair and Sterling had to weave their way to the kitchen past many groups of people talking and laughing and cheering.
They got to the kitchen and each poured themselves a drink. There was wine and beer and whiskey available on the countertop... But they both stuck to cola. They stood in silence for a moment, both taking time to look round and see who was here.

"Sterling," a voice shouted softly from the kitchen doorway. It was Luke.
"Oh hey Luke." Sterling said, a bit awkwardly. Last time they spoke she had upset him, for the second time. He looked ok tonight though, he didn't seem down or gloomy. "Great party eh?" Sterling followed, trying to make the situation less awkward.
"Yeah it's fun so far. I really like the music." he said with a smile. "Listen..." he stepped towards Sterling.
"I'll catch you later " Blair chipped in quickly, making herself scarce. She felt a bit of a personal chat was about to occur between Luke and her sister.

"Sterling, I just wanted to say, I appreciate your honesty the other day." Sterling looked at him slightly in awe. "I mean, it couldn't have been easy telling me the truth, especially again." he said. Sterling smiled at him, and shifted her weight on her feet. "And I've decided that I just need to move on." he said as he waved his hand infront of him. "Just know I will always be here, as a friend. If you need anything.". He gently put his hand on Sterling's shoulder.
"Wow," said Sterling softly, surprised at how mature he was being. "Well, thanks Luke. It means a lot. I never meant to hurt you in any way. You don't deserve that." she smiled supportively at him. "We had a great run though eh?"
Luke laughed a little. "Yeah we did, Sterling." After a moment he held his arms out, and Sterling gave him a hug. As they stepped back from each other, Luke said "And just know, I'll be happy for you whenever you find someone else to be with. As long as they are good enough for you, of course." he said smiling. "You have a lot of love to give, and you deserve the same in return."
Sterling smiled awkwardly. Should she tell him? No, that wasn't the plan. But he was being so nice, and he deserved the truth.
Before she could say anything, Luke turned and walked into the living room to join a group of his friends who were laughing and dancing.

Sterling stepped towards the door to the living room to find Blair; she was sat with a couple of people playing dominoes on the coffee table. Sterling waved at her, Blair ushered Sterling to the game. She weaved through the crowd again to get to Blair, and sat on an empty seat beside her. "We can deal you in after this one" Blair said without looking at Sterling, eyes focused on the game. Sterling watched as the game unfolded. A boy wearing a beanie at the corner of the table won the round in the end. Blair held up her hands in defeat. "Ok deal again please. I can't have that be my last hurrah.." said Blair to the boy in the beanie. He smirked and started dealing, Sterling included.

As her dominoes were slowly building up infront of her, Sterling felt a soft touch on her shoulder. She turned round and saw April standing over her looking down, smiling adoringly. Sterling smiled back and slowly stood up, saying to the table as she did "Sorry, deal me out guys.". She raised her eyebrows to Blair, and Blair did the same. "Hey April. You look after my sister tonight eh." Blair said with a friendly laugh. "Will do" said April and saluted at Blair. With her drink in one hand, Sterling took April's hand with the other and led her slowly away from the domino table. They weaved through the huddles of people and came to a stop in a free space against a wall in the living room. Sterling turned to face April, squeezing her hand as she did.

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